Pa. Code tit. 58, pt. II, subpt. B, ch. 63 - GENERAL FISHING REGULATIONS

  1. § 63.1 - Time
  2. § 63.2 - Possession of fishing license and verification of license purchase
  3. § 63.3 - Fishing in stocked trout waters
  4. § 63.4 - Fishing in areas or waters where fishing is prohibited
  5. § 63.5 - Methods of fishing
  6. § 63.6 - Authorized devices for game fish, baitfish and fishbait
  7. § 63.7 - Exceptions to limitations on devices
  8. § 63.8 - Long bows, crossbows, spears and gigs
  9. § 63.9 - Snatch fishing, foul hooking and snag fishing
  10. § 63.10 - Ice fishing
  11. § 63.11 - Reserved
  12. § 63.12 - Reserved
  13. § 63.13 - Nets unlawful without permit
  14. § 63.14 - Identification of fishbait and baitfish containers
  15. § 63.15 - Field dressing and disposal of fish
  16. § 63.15a - Officially-recognized fish cleaning stations
  17. § 63.16 - Fishing in the vicinity of fishways
  18. § 63.17 - Importation and sale of hard clams
  19. § 63.18 - Blue crabs-prohibited acts
  20. § 63.19 - Sale and purchase of fish
  21. § 63.20 - Permits for the protection and management of trout and salmon
  22. § 63.21 - Designation of fishing regulations
  23. § 63.22 - Reserved
  24. § 63.23 - Reserved
  25. § 63.24 - Reserved
  26. § 63.25 - Reserved
  27. § 63.26 - Reserved
  28. § 63.27 - Reserved
  29. § 63.28 - Reserved
  30. § 63.29 - Reserved
  31. § 63.30 - Importation of weakfish
  32. § 63.31 - Importation and transportation of horseshoe crabs
  33. § 63.32 - Reserved
  34. § 63.33 - Reserved
  35. § 63.34 - Reserved
  36. § 63.35 - Reserved
  37. § 63.36 - Reserved
  38. § 63.37 - Reserved
  39. § 63.38 - Reserved
  40. § 63.39 - Reserved
  41. § 63.40 - Fishing tournaments and fishing derbies
  42. § 63.41 - Reserved
  43. § 63.42 - Sale, purchase or barter of fish parts and fish eggs
  44. § 63.43 - Fishing for bass during spring season
  45. § 63.44 - Illegal baitfish
  46. § 63.45 - Tagging, branding, marking and finclipping of fish
  47. § 63.46 - Sale, purchase or barter of injurious species
  48. § 63.47 - Landing of finfish shellfish, crustaceans and other marine seafood
  49. § 63.48 - Permit for the use of cast nets or throw nets
  50. § 63.49 - Reporting by dealers of American eels
  51. § 63.50 - Importation of tautog-2102(c)
  52. § 63.51 - Sale of VHS-susceptible species of fish
  53. § 63.53 - Egg collection
  54. § 63.54 - Possession or use of eggs as bait
  55. § 63.55 - Saltwater angler registration
  56. § 63.56 - Replacement costs for fish killed
  57. § 63.57 - License, permit and issuing agent fees


Pa. Code tit. 58, pt. II, subpt. B, ch. 63
The provisions of this Chapter 63 adopted May 23, 1980, effective 1/1/1981, 10 Pa.B. 2051, unless otherwise noted.

The provisions of this Chapter 63 issued under 30 Pa.C.S. §§ 322, 741, 901, 929, 2102, 2106, 2305-2307, 2703, 2711, 2903 and 2911, unless otherwise noted.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.