(A) Teaching methods.
Courses must be taught by Board-approved instructors and
presented using traditional classroom teaching methods. Correspondence courses
will not be approved. Nothing in this section, however, shall prohibit the use
of video equipment as a teaching supplement.
(B) Distance Education Courses may be
acceptable for qualifying and continuing education provided that the following
has been met:
1. The course is presented to an
organized group in an instructional setting with a person qualified and
available to answer questions, provide information, and monitor student
2. Asynchronous and
synchronous courses have received approval of the International Distance
Education Certification Center (IDECC) for the course design and delivery
mechanism and the South Carolina Real Estate Appraisers Board for course
3. For qualifying and
continuing education, the student must successfully complete the course
mechanisms required for accreditation which demonstrates mastery and fluency of
the content. Incremental student assessments must be present throughout
asynchronous continuing education courses in order to be acceptable.
(C) Facilities and equipment.
1. All facilities must meet the appropriate
building, health and fire codes, must be maintained in a safe and sanitary
condition at all times and are subject to inspection and approval by a
representative of the Board.
Classrooms must be of sufficient size to accommodate comfortably all students
enrolled in a course, shall have adequate light, heat, cooling and ventilation,
and shall be free of distractions which would disrupt class sessions.
3. Classrooms must contain a chalkboard or
other audio-visual aid and desks or worktables sufficient to accommodate all
students enrolled in a course.
(D) Advertising.
1. "Advertising" includes any form of public
notice, however disseminated. This definition includes all publications and
promotional items and efforts which could normally be expected to be seen or
heard by prospective students. Examples include but are not limited to:
catalogs, flyers, signs, mailing pieces, radio, television, audio-visual,
newspaper or any other form of public notice designed to aid in the provider's
recruiting and promotional activities. Advertising also includes oral
2. Each provider
must maintain high standards in the conduct of its operations, solicitation of
its students and in its advertising and promotional material. The use of any
unfair or deceptive practice or the making or causing to be made of any false,
misleading or deceptive statement in any advertising or promotional material
which has the tendency or capacity to mislead or deceive students, prospective
students, or the public shall be cause for disciplinary action.
3. The name of the provider must be disclosed
in each advertising offering.
4. A
provider may not advertise or imply that it is "recommended" or "endorsed" by
the South Carolina Real Estate Appraisers Board.
(E) Audit and record keeping.
1. Providers must keep copies of all
enrollment agreements, advertising, rosters and attendance records. Such
records must be kept for five (5) years and be made available to a
representative of the Board upon request.
2. Providers must permit periodic inspections
and auditing by a representative of the Board for the purpose of evaluating
facilities, course content, instructor performance of any other relevant aspect
of the administration and conduct of such course.
(F) Changes.
Proposed changes to name, course content and/or length, texts,
instructors, operating policies and procedures must be submitted to and
approved by the Board prior to implementation.
(G) Complaints.
Providers must post in a conspicuous place a notice which states
the following: "Any complaint concerning a Board-approved real estate appraiser
course or instructor should be directed to the South Carolina Real Estate
Appraisers Board at (the Board's current address)."
S.C. Code Regs. §
Added by State Register
Volume 19, Issue No. 6, eff June 23, 1995. Amended by State Register Volume 25,
Issue No. 5, Part 2, eff May 25, 2001; State register Volume 32, Issue No. 2,
eff February 22, 2008;
Register Volume 38, Issue No. 6, eff
Register Volume 42, Issue No. 05, eff.