A. Definition of
(1) For the purpose of this regulation,
the term "commission" means the State Crop Pest Commission or an officer or
employee of the commission to whom it delegates its authority. For the purpose
of the administration of this regulation the commission is represented by the
Head of Department of Plant Industry (or duly designated successor).
(2) The term "soil amendment" as described in
shall include any and every substance or mixtures of: that is intended to
improve the physical characteristics of the soil, except commercial
fertilizers, agricultural liming materials, unmanipulated animal manures,
unmanipulated vegetable manures, pesticides and other materials exempted by
(3) "Soil Ingredient
Form" means the chemical compound such as salt, chelate, oxide, acid, etc., of
an ingredient or the physical form of an ingredient.
(4) The term "Brand" means the term,
designation, trade mark, product name or other specific designation under which
individual soil amendments are offered for sale.
(5) The term "Bulk" means in nonpackaged
(6) The term "Distribute"
means to import, consign, manufacture, produce, compound, mix, or blend soil
amendments, or offer for sale, sell, barter, or otherwise supply soil
amendments in this state.
(7) The
term "Distributor" means any person who imports, consigns, manufacturers,
produces, compounds, mixes, or blends soil amendments, or who offers for sale,
sells, barters, or otherwise supplies soil amendments in this state.
(8) "Investigational Allowance" means an
allowance for variations inherent in the taking, preparation and analysis of an
official sample of soil amendment.
(9) The term "Label" means the display of all
written, printed or graphic matter upon the immediate container or statement
accompanying a soil amendment.
The term "Labeling" means all written, printed, or graphic matter, upon or
accompanying any soil amendment, or advertisements, brochures, posters, or
television or radio announcements used in promoting the sale of such soil
(11) "Minimum
Percentage" means that percent of active ingredient that must be present in a
product before the product will be accepted for registration when mentioned in
any form or manner.
(12) The term
"Official Sample" means any sample of Soil Amendment taken by the board or its
representatives and designated as "Official" by the board.
(13) "Other Ingredients" means the non-active
ingredients present in soil amendments.
(14) The term "Percent" or "Percentage" means
by weight.
(15) The term "Person"
means individual, partnership, association, firm or corporation.
(16) The term "Registrant" means the person
who registers soil amendments under the provisions of this
(17) The term "Active
Ingredient" is the ingredient or ingredients which bring about the changes
claimed as a result of the application of the product.
(18) The term "Ton" means a net weight of
2,000 pounds avoirdupois.
(19) The
term "Weight" means the weight of material as offered for sale.
B. Labeling
(1) "Soil Amendment Labels"--the following
information shall appear on the face or display side in a readable and
conspicuous form, and shall be considered the label:
(a) Net Weight
(b) Brand Name
(c) Guaranteed Analysis
Active Ingredients
Name of Ingredient--%
and continued until all soil amending ingredients are listed
and percentages given.
Total percent of Other Ingredients.
(d) Purpose of Product
(e) Director for Application
(f) Name and Address of the
(2) No
information or statement shall appear on any package, label, delivery slip or
advertising matter which is false or misleading to the purchaser as to the use,
value, quality, analysis, type or composition of the soil amendment.
(3) The board may require proof of claims
made for any soil amendment. If no claims are made, proof of usefulness and
value of the soil amendments may be required. For evidence of proof the board
may rely on scientifically accepted, experimental data and evaluations. The
experimental design shall be related to conditions applicable to South
Carolina. The board may request assistance from the Director of the Clemson
Experiment Station or the Director of the Cooperative Extension Service or
persons under their supervision for interpretation of data and for advice of
the acceptability of data. Scientific data from any source may be used by the
board as a basis for acceptance or rejection of claims.
(4) No ingredient may be listed or guaranteed
on the labels or labeling of soil amendments without the permission of the
board. The board may allow an active ingredient or precise combination of
active ingredients to be listed or guaranteed on the label or labeling if
satisfactory supportive data is provided the board to substantiate the value
and usefulness of the active ingredients or combination of active ingredients.
When an active ingredient or precise combination of active ingredients is
permitted to be listed or guaranteed it must be determinable by laboratory
methods and is subject to inspection and analysis. The board may prescribe
methods and procedures of inspection and analysis of the active ingredient. The
board may stipulate by regulation, the quantities of the active ingredient or
active ingredients required in soil amendments.
C. Registration
(1) Each separately identified product shall
be registered before being distributed in this State. The application for
registration shall be submitted to the board on the form furnished or approved
by the board and shall be accompanied by a fee of $50.00 per product. This fee
will be forwarded by the board to the South Carolina State Treasurer. Upon
approval by the board a copy of the registration shall be furnished to the
applicant. All registrations expire on June 30 of the following year. Each
manufacturer shall submit to the board a copy of labels and advertising
literature with the registration request for each soil amendment.
(2) A distributor shall not be required to
register any brand of soil amendment which is already registered under this
regulation by another person, providing the label does not differ in any
(3) Before registering any
soil amendment the board may require evidence to substantiate the claims made
for the soil amendment and proof of the value and usefulness of the soil
amendment as in Section B (3) and B (4).
(4) The board may set the minimum amount of
an active ingredient or amending ingredients that must be present before a soil
amendment can be registered and sold.
(5) If the application for renewal of the
soil amendment registration provided for in this section is not filed prior to
July 1 of any one year, a penalty of $10.00 shall be assessed and added to the
original fee and shall be paid by the applicant before the renewal soil
amendment registration shall be issued. PROVIDED, That such penalty shall not
apply if the applicant furnished an affidavit that he has not distributed this
soil amendment subsequent to the expiration of his prior
Inspection Fee.
(1) There shall be paid to the
board for all soil amendments distributed in this state an inspection fee of
$1.00 per ton.
(2) Every person who
distributes a soil amendment in the state shall file with the board on forms
furnished by the board quarterly statements for periods ending September 30,
December 31, March 31, and June 30 setting forth the number of net tons of each
soil amendment distributed in the state during such quarter. The report shall
be due within 30 days following each quarter. Such statement shall be
accompanied by a payment of the inspection fee at the rate of $1.00 per
(3) When more than one
distributor is involved in the distribution of a soil amendment product, the
last registrant who distributes to a nonregistrant (dealer or consumer) is
responsible for reporting the tonnage and paying the inspection fees unless the
reporting and paying of fees have been made by a prior distributor of the soil
amendment product. If the report is not filed or is filed falsely or the
inspection fee is not paid within 30 days following each quarter, the board may
revoke the registration of such persons and a penalty of $5.00 per day for each
subsequent day shall be assessed. The inspection fee and the penalty shall
constitute a debt and become the basis for a judgment against such person which
may be collected by the board in any court of competent jurisdiction without
prior demand.
(4) The report
required by this section shall not be a public record and it shall be a
misdemeanor for any person to divulge any information given in such report
which would reveal the business operations of a person making the report.
PROVIDED, That nothing contained in this subsection shall be construed to
prevent or make unlawful the use of information concerning the business
operation of any person in any action, suit, or proceeding instituted under the
authority of this chapter including any civil action for collection of unpaid
inspection fees, which action is hereby authorized and which shall be as an
action at law in the name of the head of the department.
E. Inspection, Sampling, Analysis.
(1) It is the duty of the board, who may act
through its authorized agent, to sample, inspect, make analyses of, and test
soil amendments distributed within the State at any time and place and to such
an extent he may deem necessary to determine whether such soil amendments are
in compliance with the provisions of this regulation. The board, individually
or through its agent, is authorized to enter upon any public or private
premises or carriers during regular business hours in order to have access to
soil amendments subject to the provisions of the rules and regulations
pertaining thereto, and to the records relating to their
(2) The methods of
analysis and sampling shall be those adopted by the board from sources such as
the Association of Official Analytical Chemists, or other sources acceptable to
the board.
(3) The results of
official analyses of soil amendments and portions of official samples shall be
distributed by the board as provided in the regulations.
F. Penalties for Deficient Analysis.
(1) If the analysis shall show that any soil
amendment falls short of the guaranteed analysis in any one soil amending
ingredient or in total soil amending ingredients, a penalty shall be assessed
in favor of the department in accordance with the following provisions:
(a) A penalty of three times the value of the
deficiency if such deficiency in any one active ingredient is more than:
20% of the guarantee on any one soil amendment in which the
soil amending ingredient is guaranteed up to and including 20%.
4% under guarantee on any one soil amendment in which the soil
amending ingredient is guaranteed 20 and 1/10 percent and above.
(b) A penalty of three times the
value of the total soil amending ingredients deficiency shall be assessed when
such total deficiency is more than 2% under the calculated total soil amending
ingredient guarantee.
(c) When a
soil amendment is subject to penalty under both (1) and (2) above, only the
larger penalty shall be assessed.
(2) All penalties assessed under this section
shall be paid to the department within three months after the date of notice
from the department to the registrant. The department shall transmit the amount
of the penalty to the South Carolina State Treasurer.
(3) The penalties payable in (a) and (b)
above shall in no manner be construed as limiting the consumer's right to bring
a civil action in damage against the registrant paying said civil
(4) For the purpose of
determining commercial values to be applied under the provisions of this
section, the board shall determine from the registrant's sales invoice the
values charged for the soil amending ingredients. If no invoice is available or
if the invoice fails to provide sufficient information the board may use other
methods to determine values. The values so determined shall be used in
determining and assessing penalties.
G. Misbranding. No person shall distribute a
misbranded soil amendment. A soil amendment shall be deemed to be misbranded
(1) Its labeling is false or misleading in
any particular, or
(2) If it is
distributed under the name of another soil amendment, or
(3) If it is not labeled as required in
Sections B and C of this regulation and in accordance with regulations,
(4) If it purports to be or is
represented as a soil amendment or represented as containing a soil amendment
unless such soil amendment conforms to the definitions of identity, if any,
prescribed by regulation of the board; in the adopting of such regulations, the
board shall give due regard to commonly accepted definitions and official terms
such as those issued by the Association of American Plant Food Control
Officials, or
(5) If it does not
conform to ingredient form, minimums, labeling, and investigational allowances
in the regulations adopted by the board.
H. Stop Sale. The board may issue and enforce
a written or printed "stop sale, use, or removal" order to the owner or
custodian of any lot of soil amendment and may hold at a designated place when
the board finds said soil amendment is being offered or exposed for sale in
violation of any of the provisions of this regulation until the regulation has
been complied with and said soil amendment is released in writing by the board,
or said violation has been otherwise legally disposed of by written authority.
The board shall release the soil amendment so withdrawn when the requirements
of the provisions of the regulations have been complied with and all costs and
expenses incurred in connection with the withdrawn have been paid.
I. Adulteration. No person shall distribute
an adulterated soil amendment. A soil amendment shall be deemed to be
adulterated if:
(1) It contains any
deleterious or harmful agent in sufficient amount to render it injurious to
beneficial plant, animal, or aquatic life when applied in accordance with
directions for use on the label, or if adequate warning statements and
directions for use, which may be necessary to protect plant, animal, or aquatic
life are not shown upon the label, or
(2) If its composition falls below or differs
from that which it is purported to possess by its labeling, or
(3) If it contains unwanted crop or weed
seed, or primary noxious or secondary noxious weed seed.
J. Cancellation or Refusal of Registration.
The board is authorized and empowered to refuse registration of any brand of
soil amendment if he finds the brand of soil amendment violates any section of
the rules and regulations. The board is authorized and empowered to cancel the
registration of any brand of soil amendment upon satisfactory evidence that the
registrant has used fraudulent or deceptive practices in the evasions or
attempted evasions of the provisions of any rules or regulations promulgated
thereunder: PROVIDED, That no registration shall be revoked until the
registrant shall have been given the opportunity to appear for a hearing by the
K. The effective date is
February 1, 1979.