S.D. Admin. R. 20:18:15:30.04 - Variations of the play - Lucky Ladies blackjack

Lucky Ladies blackjack must be dealt and played following the standard rules of blackjack in this chapter, except as follows:

(1) Lucky Ladies blackjack may only be played on tables displaying the Lucky Ladies table layout;
(2) Prior to the start of each round of blackjack, each player is afforded the opportunity to place a voluntary Lucky Ladies wager on the designated spot on the table layout at the same time the player's primary wager is made and before any cards are dealt;
(3) Once the dealer has dealt the first two cards to each player, the dealer must determine if any of the players that bet the Lucky Ladies wager have a hand whose first two cards total twenty;
(4) The winning payoff odds depend upon which version of the game is played and the paytable chosen by the retail licensee. Only the highest ranking is paid:

Multiple Deck Payout Odds:

Paytable A

Paytable B

(a) Queen of hearts pair with

dealer/blackjack pays

1,000 to 1

1,000 to 1

(b) Queen of hearts pair pays

125 to 1

200 to 1

(c) Matched 20 (two identical cards)


19 to 1

25 to 1

(d) Suited 20 pays

9 to 1

10 to 1

(e) Any 20 pays

4 to 1

4 to 1

Single Deck Payout Odds:

Paytable C

(a) Pair of Queens with

dealer/blackjack pays

250 to 1

(b) Pair of Queens pays

25 to 1

(c) Paired 20 (2 Tens, 2 Jacks or

2 Kings) pays

9 to 1

(d) Suited 20 pays

6 to 1

(e) Any 20 pays

3 to 1

(5) The take or pay procedure for the Lucky Ladies wager is accomplished prior to any player receiving any additional cards. At the conclusion of the Lucky Ladies take or pay procedure, the blackjack game resumes as normal.


S.D. Admin. R. 20:18:15:30.04
29 SDR 147, effective 5/6/2003.

General Authority: SDCL 42-7B-7.

Law Implemented: SDCL 42-7B-4(3), 42-7B-7, 42-7B-15.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.