Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0455-01-04-.01 - STANDARDS OF PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT
In order to establish and maintain a high standard of integrity in
the practice of court reporting, the following Standards of
Professional Conduct shall be binding on every person holding a
license, of any type, from the Board. A Tennessee Licensed Court
(a) Shall be fair and
impartial toward each participant in all aspects of reported
(b) Should
only accept an assignment if their level of competence will result in
the preparation of an accurate transcript, shall refuse an assignment
if they believe their abilities are inadequate, and shall recommend
or assign an assignment to another licensee only if such licensee has
the competence required for such assignment.
(c) Shall provide information
regarding services to be rendered regarding administration of
professional services to all parties and shall make timely delivery
of transcripts.
(d) Must
immediately disclose any conflict of interest or appearance of
impropriety as soon as it arises pursuant to T.C.A. §
(e) Should immediately seek
inactive status and refrain from practice if they become impaired and
unable to function according to the standards of practice.
(f) Shall preserve the
confidentiality and ensure the security of information, oral or
written, entrusted to the licensee by any and all of the parties in
the proceeding.
(g) Shall
establish a plan for the security and preservation of un-transcribed
notes and any backups, both paper and electronic. All such plans
shall preserve notes and backups for a period of time that complies
with statutory requirement or rules and guidelines of the court. In
the absence of a law or rule, notes and backups must be retained for
no less than five (5) years.
(h) Shall affix the licensee's
signature, license number and expiration date to a transcript to
certify to its accuracy.
(i) Shall not authorize the use of
the licensee number on any transcript not produced through the
personal effort or supervision, or both.
(j) Shall not permit the use of the
licensee name or firm's name, nor shall a licensee be associated in
business ventures with persons or firms that the licensee has reason
to believe to be engaging in fraudulent or dishonest business
(k) Shall
inform the Board of Court Reporting if they have knowledge that
another court reporter has committed a violation of these Standards
of Professional Conduct or the Tennessee Court Reporter Act of 2009
that raises a substantial question as to that court reporter's
honesty, trustworthiness, or fitness as a court reporter.
(l) Shall cooperate with any
investigation resulting from a complaint for disciplinary
(m) Shall not
commit a criminal act that reflects on the court reporter's honesty,
trustworthiness or fitness as a court reporter.
(n) Shall be truthful and accurate
when making public statements or when advertising qualifications or
services provided.
Shall meet all mandated continuing education requirements and should
keep abreast of current literature and technological advances and
(p) Shall
refrain from giving, directly or indirectly, any gift, incentive,
reward or anything of value to attorneys or any other persons or
entities associated with the litigation, except for items that do not
exceed twenty-five dollars ($25.00) in the aggregate per individual
each year.
Authority: T.C.A. §§ 20-9-605 and 20-9-607.
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.