Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1540-01-02-.15 - INSTITUTION AND STUDENT RECORDS

(1) Institutional directors must maintain on-site a current copy file of materials filed with the Commission as part of their current authorization which includes the application, documentation of appropriate bonding, and financial reports.
(2) Institutions shall retain for three (3) years a record of student complaints that follow the institution grievance process, including a copy of the complaint, any investigatory documents, and a statement of the matter's disposition.
(3) Student financial records must be maintained and open for inspection and copying by Commission staff in accordance with applicable confidentiality laws.
(4) For each student, the institution must maintain an up-to-date reconciled account statement as a separate document. The statement must clearly reflect:
(a) The balance due the institution or student;
(b) All charges and payments;
(c) The reason for the debit or credit, for example, student cash payment, loan payment, tuition waiver, technology fee, or tuition charged; and
(d) All tuition charges must indicate the period of enrollment for which the student is being charged, for example, if the tuition charge is for five hundred (500) contact hours of instruction, the account statement might read "Tuition Charged for 500 Contact Hours" or if the tuition charge is for one (1) semester of instruction, the account statement might read "Tuition Charged for Spring 2022 Semester."
(5) Institutions must maintain a file for each prospective student or student enrolled in a program or course for three (3) years after the student's withdrawal from or completion of the program or course of enrollment. The file shall contain at a minimum:
(a) The executed transferability of credit disclosure statement required by T.C.A. § 49-7144 and Rule .13(3) of these rules;
(b) Documentation evidencing the student's basis for admission as provided for in paragraph (6) of this rule;
(c) The executed pre-enrollment checklist;
(d) The executed enrollment agreement;
(e) An exhibit of the institution's enforcement of standards acceptable to the Commission related to attendance, academic satisfactory progress, and proper documentation of any leave of absence (LOA) that may affect progress;
(f) Written records of the previous training and education of the applicant student which clearly indicates the appropriate credit which has been given by the institution for previous training and education; and
(g) An up-to-date reconciled account statement.
(6) Sufficient basis of admission documentation for purposes of the student file is as follows:
(a) If the basis of admission is successful completion of an ATB test, then the student file shall contain a copy of the scored test or a graded score sheet.
(b) If the basis of admission is a high school diploma or equivalency, then the student file shall contain:
1. An official transcript from the high school or other government body, such as a county school board;
2. An official high school equivalency transcript, HiSET, or GED score sheet from the appropriate issuing entity; or
3. An official military document indicating that the student completed high school such as an Enlisted Record Brief.
(c) If the basis of admission is a Tennessee license in the field for which the training is intended, then the student file shall contain verification of current licensure from the issuing Tennessee subject matter expert agency, such as a current screenshot from the agency's website.
(d) If the basis of admission is postsecondary credit in a degree program, then the student file shall contain an official transcript from a postsecondary educational institution indicating that credit in a degree program was awarded to the student.
(e) If the basis of admission is a bachelor's degree or higher credential, the student file shall contain an official copy of the transcript from the postsecondary educational institution indicating that the student received the credential.
(f) If a transcript is from an institution outside the United States, documentation from a transcript translation service indicating that the education obtained is the equivalent of the applicable United States credential and, if necessary, a translated transcript.
(7) Official documentation is a statement of the student's academic record received directly from the issuing institution or agency such as a transcript or score sheet. Paper transcripts printed on security sensitive paper that contains the issuing institution's seal or signature of an official from the institution is acceptable admission documentation. Electronic transcripts or scores sheets not printed on security sensitive paper must include indicia that the transcript or score sheet was received directly from the issuing institution or agency such as accompanying email correspondence or the envelope.
(8) Institutions must offer a transcript for all programs other than programs registered as certificate programs. For a certificate program, an institution must provide a certificate to completers of the program and may offer a transcript to all enrolled students. In any event, all transcripts and certificates shall meet the requirements of this rule. Institutions offering programs where a subject matter expert agency requires that the institution maintain a transcript must do so.
(a) Transcripts and certificates for each student enrolled in a program or course offered by the institution shall be maintained for the life of the institution and provided to DPSA upon closure as provided for in Rule .23 of these rules.
(b) Transcripts shall be in a form that permits easy and accurate review by the student, transfer institutions, potential employers, and other state or federal agencies. The transcript shall include at a minimum the:
1. Full and correct name and address of the authorized location of the institution;
2. First and last name of the student;
3. Last four digits of the student's social security number;
4. Program name as registered with the Commission;
5. Status of student, for example, active, withdrawn, probation, leave of absence, or graduate;
6. Official date recorded for all student withdrawals and graduations;
7. Beginning date or academic term with the year for each course attempted;
8. As applicable to the type of institution, credit or contact hours attempted and earned;
9. Name of each course and, if any, the course number as listed in the institution catalog along with the corresponding grade received;
10. Indication of credits given by transfer from another institution or credit by exam;
11. Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA);
12. Date the transcript was last updated and/or printed; and
13. Signature of an institution official.
(c) Certificates shall be in a form that permits easy and accurate review by the student, transfer institutions, potential employers, and other state or federal agencies. The certificate shall include at a minimum the:
1. Complete name and address of the institution;
2. First and last name of student;
3. Program name as registered with the Commission;
4. A certificate award date; and
5. The signature of an institution official.
(9) In lieu of hard copies of transcripts and certificates, an institution may maintain transcripts and certificates by electronic storage provided that the institution has a process for maintaining an up-to-date backup of the information in a separate system or at a different location. Commission staff must have complete and easy access to review student transcripts and certificates during authorization site visits and audits such that the institution can print any requested records upon request.


Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1540-01-02-.15
Original rule filed May 15, 1985; effective July 1, 1985. Repeal and new rule filed January 24, 1990; effective May 1, 1990. Amendment filed December 15, 1992; effective March 31, 1993. Repeal and new rule filed June 24, 1998; effective October 28, 1998. Amendment filed June 6, 2008; declared void and of no effect pursuant to Davidson County Chancery Court's October 2011 order. See also Attorney General's Opinion 11-78. Amendments filed April 1, 2013; to have been effective September 28, 2013. However, a petition for a rulemaking hearing was filed June 26, 2013. The Tennessee Higher Education Commission filed a withdrawal of the rule on July 26, 2013. Emergency rules filed August 15, 2016; effective October 3, 2016 through April 1, 2017. Repeal and new rules filed December 21, 2016; effective March 21, 2017. Emergency rules filed June 29, 2022; effective July 1, 2022 through December 28, 2022. Amendments filed September 30, 2022; effective 12/29/2022.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 49-7-2005, 49-7-2006, and 49-7-2016.

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