(1) The following regulations apply to wildlife and/or waterfowl refuges:
(a) The hunting, fishing, killing, taking and/or attempted taking of any species of wildlife is prohibited, except where specifically provided by proclamation.
(b) The discharging or firing of any type of weapon within, or into a refuge is prohibited, except during designated hunts.
(c) The concentrating, driving, rallying, or disturbance of waterfowl, cranes, and/or coots by means of the aid of water, land, or air conveyance or by any other means whatsoever is prohibited.
(d) Public use of refuge lands is permitted, except as otherwise prohibited by proclamation or rule. Public use is limited to activities of a temporary nature only.
(e) The construction of piers, boathouses, grills, or any other structure which is permanently affixed to the land or water is specifically prohibited on Hiwassee and Paint Rock Refuges.
(2) The following regulations apply to Amnicola Refuge and Nickajack Cave Refuge:
(a) Camping or loitering is prohibited.
(b) Fireworks are prohibited.
(c) Picnicking prohibited unless provided for at designated areas.
(d) Pets must be confined to leash or carrier.
(e) Entrance on and/or use of Amnicola Refuge shall be by written permission only, and only at such time specified in the written permit.
(f) The Executive Director of the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency or persons designated by him shall have sole authority to grant the permission described above.
(g) Persons desiring use of Amnicola Refuge must contact the TWRA Region 3 Office, 464 Industrial Blvd., Crossville, Tennessee 38555 at least 10 days prior to the date for which permission is desired in order to allow adequate time for processing the permit.
(h) Trespass by land or water for any use is prohibited on or in the Nickajack Cave Refuge except that use of the observation deck and access trail to the deck is permitted between April 1 and October 15, inclusive, and that fishing by sport fishing methods as set out by statute or proclamation is permitted as long as no vessel or person enters the refuge boundary.


Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1660-01-14-.10
Original rule filed June 8, 1977; effective July 8, 1977. Amendment filed May 19, 1980; effective July 3, 1980. Amendment filed June 27, 1985; effective July 27, 1985. Amendment filed June 27, 1988; effective August 11, 1988. Amendment filed October 26, 1988; effective December 10, 1988. Amendment filed June 8, 1989; effective July 23, 1989. Amendment filed August 29, 1990; effective October 13, 1990. Amendment filed October 21, 1991; effective December 5, 1991. Amendment filed December 14, 1992; effective January 29, 1993. Amendment filed August 9, 1993; effective October 23, 1993. Amendment filed April 4, 1994; effective June 18, 1994. Amendment filed September 26, 1996; effective December 10, 1996. Amendment filed September 30, 1997; effective December 13, 1997. Amendment filed July 19, 2001; effective October 2, 2001. Amendment filed July 1, 2014; effective September 29, 2014. Amendments filed September 28, 2016; effective December 27, 2016. Amendments filed January 16, 2024; effective 4/15/2024.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 70-1-206, 70-4-107, and 70-9-105.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.