Title R455 - Cultural and Community Engagement, Utah Historical Society
- Rule R455-1 - Adjudicative Proceedings (§ R455-1-1 to R455-1-5)
- Rule R455-3 - Membership, Sales, Gifts, Bequests, Endowments (§ R455-3-1 to R455-3-5)
- Rule R455-4 - Ancient Human Remains (§ R455-4-1 to R455-4-5)
- Rule R455-6 - State Register for Historic Resources and Archaeological Sites (§ R455-6-1 to R455-6-4)
- Rule R455-8 - Preservation Easements (§ R455-8-1 to R455-8-3)
- Rule R455-9 - Board of State History as the Cultural Sites Review Committee Review Board (§ R455-9-1 to R455-9-4)
- Rule R455-11 - Historic Preservation Tax Credit (§ R455-11-1 to R455-11-10)
- Rule R455-12 - Computerized Record of Cemeteries, Burial Locations and Plots, and Granting Matching Funds (§ R455-12-1 to R455-12-4)
- Rule R455-13 - Capital Funds Request Prioritization (Repealed) (§ R455-13-1 to R455-13-3)
- Rule R455-14 - Procedures for Electronic Meetings (§ R455-14-1 to R455-14-3)
- Rule R455-15 - Procedures for Emergency Meetings (§ R455-15-1 to R455-15-3)
- Rule R455-16 - Cultural Site Stewardship Program Volunteer Selection, Training, and Certification Procedures (§ R455-16-1 to R455-16-6)
- Rule R455-17 - Cultural Site Stewardship Program Vandalism Reporting Procedures (§ R455-17-1 to R455-17-4)
- Rule R455-18 - Policy for Deaccessioning of Artifacts and Documentary Materials for Education and Cultural Use (§ R455-18-1 to R455-18-3)
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
- Rule R455-1 - Adjudicative Proceedings (§ R455-1-1 to R455-1-5)
- Rule R455-3 - Membership, Sales, Gifts, Bequests, Endowments (§ R455-3-1 to R455-3-5)
- Rule R455-4 - Ancient Human Remains (§ R455-4-1 to R455-4-5)
- Rule R455-6 - State Register for Historic Resources and Archaeological Sites (§ R455-6-1 to R455-6-4)
- Rule R455-8 - Preservation Easements (§ R455-8-1 to R455-8-3)
- Rule R455-9 - Board of State History as the Cultural Sites Review Committee Review Board (§ R455-9-1 to R455-9-4)
- Rule R455-11 - Historic Preservation Tax Credit (§ R455-11-1 to R455-11-10)
- Rule R455-12 - Computerized Record of Cemeteries, Burial Locations and Plots, and Granting Matching Funds (§ R455-12-1 to R455-12-4)
- Rule R455-13 - Capital Funds Request Prioritization (Repealed) (§ R455-13-1 to R455-13-3)
- Rule R455-14 - Procedures for Electronic Meetings (§ R455-14-1 to R455-14-3)
- Rule R455-15 - Procedures for Emergency Meetings (§ R455-15-1 to R455-15-3)
- Rule R455-16 - Cultural Site Stewardship Program Volunteer Selection, Training, and Certification Procedures (§ R455-16-1 to R455-16-6)
- Rule R455-17 - Cultural Site Stewardship Program Vandalism Reporting Procedures (§ R455-17-1 to R455-17-4)
- Rule R455-18 - Policy for Deaccessioning of Artifacts and Documentary Materials for Education and Cultural Use (§ R455-18-1 to R455-18-3)