(1) A
parent, guardian, local education agency or school district may refer a student
for admission to the Washington state school for the deaf (WSD) at the center.
Students who are eighteen years old or are deemed to have reached the age of
majority, consistent with
26.28.010 through
26.28.020, and who are eligible for
special education may self-refer for admission.
(2) An application packet for new students may
be obtained by contacting the office of the superintendent at 360-696-6525 x0401
V/TTY, or through the link on the school's web site at
Applications for admission shall include the reason(s) for referral.
(3) WSD will assess the appropriateness of
admission by first considering the student for evaluation in a diagnostic
placement. A diagnostic placement allows school personnel to obtain necessary
information about the student's needs and to evaluate how the student will fare
in a placement at WSD. The diagnostic placement is limited to forty-five school
days. A visit by the parent(s)/guardian(s) and student to WSD is required before
a diagnostic placement is initiated.
(4) WSD will request the following records from
the student's current school district. All requested records must be received
before the admissions team will consider and make a decision on the application
for a diagnostic placement:
(a) All completed
forms and material in the application packet;
(b) Student's most recent individualized
education program (IEP);
Student's most recent triennial evaluation report;
(d) All psychological records;
(e) High school transcripts or academic records
and report cards;
(f) Records of all
behavioral information, including history of criminal or violent behavior; past,
current or pending disciplinary history; and other behavior that indicates the
student could be a threat to the safety of staff and students; and information
that would be required under
28A.225.330. Any falsification of or
withholding of information will result in the termination of the application
process, the evaluation, or continued placement; and
(g) Needs assessment inventory interview (NAII)
and safety risk matrix completed by the parent(s).
If access to necessary
information requires parental or student consent for the exchange of information
with a third party, all such written consents must be attached to the completed
If a student is deemed to pose a safety risk after review of the records
submitted during the admissions process, the admissions team and/or the
superintendent may:
(a) Deny the application for
diagnostic placement; or
(b) Develop
a safety plan designed to mitigate perceived safety risk(s).
If the safety
plan can be implemented within existing resources at WSD, the admissions team may
accept the student for diagnostic placement. If all elements of the safety plan
cannot be accomplished within existing resources at Washington school for the
deaf, the application shall be denied unless additional resources which are
needed to ensure the safety of the student, staff and other students can be
provided through an interagency agreement with the LEA or other agency.
(a) Upon approval of the application for
diagnostic placement, the admissions team will establish the beginning date of
the diagnostic placement.
(b) The LEA
or school district is responsible for ensuring that the student's IEP and
evaluations remain current and valid through the end of the diagnostic
(c) The admissions team
will review the student's current IEP from the LEA or school district to
ascertain whether any modifications should be considered or made for the purposes
of the diagnostic placement. All modifications must be approved by the parent.
Modifications to a student's educational program for the purposes of a diagnostic
placement shall not constitute a change in placement for purposes of the
Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act or stay-put under WAC
(d) The admissions team will provide prior
written notification to the parent, LEA or school district that the diagnostic
placement shall not exceed forty-five school days and shall not become the
student's stay-put or current educational placement should the parent(s) or
school district contest the decision on the student's educational placement at
the conclusion of the diagnostic placement.
(7) Residential program services may be
available to a student during a diagnostic placement: Provided, That:
(a) The student is accepted into the academic
program for diagnostic purposes;
The residential program has space available and can provide the needed
(c) A one-way commute by
school bus is greater than sixty minutes; and
(d) The student is able to finger-feed, chew
and swallow most foods, indicated need for help when self-soiled or wet, and
assist in self-dressing and bathing.
(8) Prior to the end of the diagnostic
placement timeline, the admissions team will meet to determine whether the
student may be enrolled at WSD.
(a) If
enrollment is approved, one of the following options will occur:
(i) The student's evaluation and IEP from the
school district is reviewed and adopted following office of the superintendent of
public instruction (OSPI) transfer procedures;
(ii) The student's evaluation from the school
district is reviewed and accepted following OSPI transfer procedures, and a new
IEP is developed; or
(iii) WSD will
conduct a reevaluation and develop a new IEP.
(b) If enrollment is denied, partnerships and
interagency agreements with LEAs and school districts may be developed to support
a student's educational placement at the school for the deaf when a lack of
existing resources is a reason for denying enrollment. WSD does not constitute a
potential stay-put placement for students who have been denied enrollment but may
be receiving services at WSD pursuant to an interagency agreement.
(9) Pursuant to
72.40.040, WSD shall not admit and may not
retain any student who is an adjudicated sex offender, classified level III
pursuant to RCW 13.40.217 or
72.09.345. It is the policy of the
school to deny admission to any student who has sexually abused, assaulted or
victimized any student who is currently enrolled at WSD.