In addition to those requirements listed in WAC
the following are also required:
All automatically fired hot water heating, hot water supply boilers shall be
equipped with:
(a) Two high temperature limit
controls, the highest of which shall be provided with a manual reset when heat
input is greater than 400,000 Btu/hr (117 kW).
(b) One low-water fuel cutoff with a manual
reset device and independent of the feed water controller.
(c) For installations after December 2004, a
means shall be provided for testing the operation of hot water heating boiler
low-water fuel cutoff(s) without resorting to draining the entire system. Such
means shall not render the device(s) inoperable. If the means temporarily
isolates the device from the boiler during testing, it shall automatically
return to its normal position.
(2) For coil type hot water boilers with heat
input greater than 400,000 Btu/hr (117 kW) a low-water flow limit control
installed in the circulating water line may be used instead of a low-water fuel
cutoff when forced circulation is required to prevent overheating of the
(3) Automatically fired low
pressure steam boilers shall be equipped with:
(a) Two high steam pressure limit controls,
the highest of which shall be provided with a manual reset.
(b) Two low-water fuel cutoffs, one of which
shall be provided with a manual reset device and independent of the feed water
(4) HLW
potable water heaters:
(a) Two temperature
limit controls, one being a high-limit temperature control that will
automatically cut off the fuel supply.
(b) Heaters with input greater than 400,000
Btu/hr (117 kW) installed after January 1, 2018, shall comply with all items in
subsection (6) of this section.
(5) All controls and limit devices shall be
tested or verified by means acceptable by the jurisdiction.
(6) For installations after December 2004,
all automatically fired boilers with input greater than 400,000 Btu/hr,
including electric boilers with input greater than 117 kW, shall have a
manually operated remote shutdown switch or circuit breaker. When an existing
remote shutdown switch exists, all boilers may be connected to the existing
switch to allow for the remote shutdown of all boilers in the room. When an
additional boiler is added to the room where an existing remote shutdown switch
does not exist, all boilers meeting the input requirements should be added to
the new remote shutdown switch. Activation of the emergency shutdown switch or
circuit breaker shall immediately shut off the fuel or energy supply and
initiate the boiler shutdown sequence in accordance with manufacturer's
recommendations where applicable. The shutdown switch should be located just
outside the boiler room door and marked for easy identification. Consideration
should be given to the type and location of the switch to safeguard against
tampering. If the boiler room door is on the building exterior, the switch
should be located just inside the door. If there is more than one door to the
boiler room, there should be a switch located at each door.