Wash. Admin. Code § 296-24-93503 - General requirements
Application. See WAC
Specifications and tests.
All safety relief devices covered by these standards must meet the design,
construction, marking, and test specifications of the "Compressed Gas
Association Safety Relief Device Standards Part 2-Cargo and Portable Tanks for
Compressed Gases: S-1.2-1963."
Specific requirements for safety relief devices.
(a) You must provide each container with one
or more safety relief devices which, unless otherwise specified, must be safety
relief valves of the spring-loaded type.
(b) You must set safety relief valves to
start-to-discharge at a pressure not in excess of 110 % of the DOT design
pressure of the container nor less than the DOT design pressure of the
container except as follows:
(i) If an
overdesigned container is used, the set pressure of the safety relief valve may
be between the minimum required DOT design pressure for the lading and 110 % of
the DOT design pressure of the container used.
(ii) For sulfur dioxide containers, a minimum
set pressure of 120 and 110 p.s.i.g. is permitted for the 150 and 125 p.s.i.g.
DOT design pressure containers, respectively.
(iii) For carbon dioxide (refrigerated),
nitrous oxide (refrigerated), and pressurized liquid argon, nitrogen and
oxygen, there must be no minimum set pressure .
(iv) For butadiene, inhibited, and liquefied
petroleum gas containers, a minimum set pressure of 90 % of the minimum design
pressure permitted for these ladings may be used.
(v) For containers constructed in accord with
paragraph U-68 or U-69 of the Code 1949 Edition, the set pressure marked on the
safety relief valve may be 125 % of the original DOT design pressure of the
(c) You must
only use replacement parts or assemblies provided by the manufacturer of the
device unless the suitability of interchange is proved by adequate
(d) Safety relief valves
must have direct communication with the vapor space of the container.
(e) Any portion of liquid piping or hose
which at any time may be closed at each end must be provided with a safety
relief device to prevent excessive pressure.
(f) The additional restrictions of this
subdivision apply to safety relief devices on containers for carbon dioxide or
nitrous oxide which are shipped in refrigerated and insulated containers. The
maximum operating pressure in the container may be regulated by the use of one
or more pressure controlling devices, which devices must not be in lieu of the
safety relief valve required in WAC
(g) You must install and locate all safety
relief devices so that the cooling effect of the contents will not prevent the
effective operation of the device.
(h) In addition to the safety relief valves
required by WAC
each container for carbon dioxide may be
equipped with one or more frangible disc safety relief devices of suitable
design set to function at a pressure not exceeding two times the DOT design
pressure of the container.
Subject to conditions of 49
C.F.R. 173.315(a)(1) (DOT
regulations ) for methyl chloride and sulfur dioxide optional portable tanks of
225 p.s.i.g. minimum DOT design pressure , one or more fusible plugs approved by
the Bureau of Explosives, 50 "F" Street Northwest, Washington, D.C. 20001, may
be used in lieu of safety relief valves of the spring-loaded type. If the
container is over 30 inches long a safety relief device having the total
required flow capacity must be at both ends.
(j) When storage containers for liquefied
petroleum gas are permitted to be shipped in accordance with
49 C.F.R.
173.315(j) (DOT
regulations ), they must be equipped with safety relief devices in compliance
with the requirements for safety relief devices on above-ground containers as
specified in the National Fire Protection Association Pamphlet No. 58-1969
"Standard for the Storage and Handling of Liquefied Petroleum Gases."
(k) When containers are filled by pumping
equipment which has a discharge capacity in excess of the capacity of the
container safety relief devices, and which is capable of producing pressures in
excess of DOT design pressure of the container, precautions should be taken to
prevent the development of pressures in the container in excess of 120 % of its
DOT design pressure . This may be done by providing additional capacity of the
safety relief valves on the container, by providing a bypass on the pump
discharge, or by any other suitable method.
(l) This additional requirement applies to
safety relief devices on containers for liquefied hydrogen and pressurized
liquid argon, nitrogen, and oxygen. You must protect the liquid container by
one or more safety relief valves and one or more frangible discs.
(m) You must arrange safety relief devices to
discharge unobstructed to the open air in such a manner as to prevent any
impingement of escaping gas upon the container. You must arrange safety relief
devices to discharge upward except this is not required for carbon dioxide,
nitrous oxide and pressurized liquid argon, nitrogen, and oxygen.
(n) You must not install any shutoff valves
between the safety relief devices and the container except, in cases where two
or more safety relief devices are installed on the same container, a shutoff
valve may be used where the arrangement of the shutoff valve or valves is such
as always to insure full required capacity flow through at least one safety
relief device .
Maintenance requirements for safety relief devices.
(a) You must exercise care to avoid damage to
safety relief devices. You must also exercise care to avoid plugging by paint
or other dirt accumulation of safety relief device channels or other parts
which could interfere with the functioning of the device.
(b) You must only allow qualified personnel
to service safety relief devices. Any servicing or repairs which require
resetting of safety relief valves must be done only by or after consultation
with the valve manufacturer.
You must periodically examine safety relief devices externally for corrosion
damage, plugging of external safety relief device channels, and mechanical
defects such as leakage or extrusion of fusible metal. You must periodically
inspect the seals of valves equipped with secondary resilient seals . If there
is any doubt regarding the suitability of the safety relief device for service
you must not fill the container until it is equipped with a suitable safety
relief device .
Statutory Authority: Chapter 49.17 RCW. 94-15-096 (Order 94-07), § 296-24-93503, filed 7/20/94, effective 9/20/94; Order 73-5, § 296-24-93503, filed 5/9/73 and Order 73-4, § 296-24-93503, filed 5/7/73.
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
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