Wash. Admin. Code § 308-61-197 - Abandoned recreational vehicle-Application and review

(1) What is the application process?
(a) All vehicles must first be handled through the abandoned vehicle process with an abandoned vehicle report (AVR) submitted to the department, or through the junk vehicle affidavit process.
(b) The requestor asking for reimbursement must be one of the following businesses and be licensed at time of the activity in which requesting reimbursement:
(i) A registered tow truck operator (RTTO), as defined by RCW 46.55.010(7);
(ii) A vehicle wrecker, as defined by RCW 46.80.010(5);
(iii) A scrap processor, as defined by RCW 46.79.010(2);
(iv) A scrap metal business, as defined by RCW 19.290.-010(10).
(c) Each business must complete their process before making application for reimbursement for that vehicle:
(i) An RTTO's process is considered complete when the vehicle is moved to a licensed vehicle wrecker or scrap processor for disposal. A written record of delivery to a licensed dismantler or authorized disposal site will also be required with the abandoned recreational vehicle application. A copy of that report shall be maintained in the RTTO's vehicle transaction file.
(ii) A vehicle wrecker, scrap processor, or scrap metal business's process is considered complete when the vehicle has been dismantled and/or destroyed in a way that no major component remains useable as the original vehicle. It shall be included on the wrecker monthly report as a destroyed vehicle and a certificate of fact (available on the department's web site) stating that the vehicle has been properly and completely destroyed in such manner as to not be usable as a vehicle, again.
(d) A request must be submitted on a form prescribed by the department and include a copy of the original AVR, junk title affidavit or title or wrecker/salvage processor monthly report and complete supporting documentation including written record of transport to a licensed dismantler or disposal site and all receipts verifying all costs requested for reimbursement.
(e) The RTTO, vehicle wrecker, scrap processor, or scrap metal business must submit their request for reimbursement by the end of the subsequent month following the activity.
(2) What is the review process?
(a) All requests will be reviewed and processed in the order received.
(b) The application and all required supporting documentation will be reviewed for the vehicle's eligibility and completeness.
(c) Once all qualifying criteria are met, a notation will be made on the record for that vehicle or a new record will be created for the vehicle.
(d) All vehicles reviewed will be grouped by each individual business submitting the request and in the order received in order to process one monthly payment.
(e) A vehicle summary and totals will be calculated and a disbursement will be ordered by the fifth business day of the following month.
(f) Incomplete applications will be returned to the business and will be eligible for reconsideration based on the new date of submission.
(3) Can I appeal an application that has been denied reimbursement?
(a) Yes. If an abandoned recreational vehicle has been denied for reimbursement by the department, the business shall be notified by the department in writing what information is required to complete the application for reimbursement or the reasons why the vehicle failed to meet the required criteria. The vehicle may be resubmitted with any required information for additional review.
(b) If the appeal has been reviewed and the vehicle is found to meet all requirements for reimbursement, the vehicle will be processed in the current month and order the appeal was received. Disbursements will be made by the fifth business day of the following month.


Wash. Admin. Code § 308-61-197
Adopted by WSR 19-11-007, Filed 5/2/2019, effective 6/1/2019

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