The following requirements apply when a land boundary
survey is performed. If, in the professional judgment of the
surveyor, the procedures of subsections (1) and (2) of this section
are not necessary to perform the survey, departures from these
requirements shall be explained and/or shown on the survey map
reestablishment of lost GLO or BLM corners and the subdividing of
sections shall be done according to applicable GLO or BLM plats and
field notes and in compliance with the rules as set forth in the
appropriate GLO or BLM Manual of Surveying Instructions,
manual supplements and circulars. Federal or state court
decisions that influence the interpretation of the rules should be
considered. Methods used for such corner reestablishment or section
subdivision shall be described on the survey map produced.
(2) All maps, plats, or plans
showing a land boundary survey shall show all the corners found,
established, reestablished and calculated, including corresponding
directions and distances, which were used to survey and which will be
necessary to resurvey the parcel shown. Additionally, all such maps,
plats, or plans shall show sufficient section subdivision data, or
other such controlling parcel data, necessary to support the position
of any section subdivisional corner or controlling parcel corner used
to reference the parcel surveyed. Where a portion or all of this
information is already shown on a record filed or recorded in the
county recording office of the county in which the parcel is located,
reference may be made to that record in lieu of providing the
required data.
Documentation shall be provided for all GLO or BLM corner(s) or
point(s) used to control the location of the parcel surveyed. This
requirement shall be met by providing on the document produced:
(a)The information required by both
the Survey Recording Act and the history and evidence found sections
of the Land Corner Record Form; or
(b)The recording data of a
document(s) that provides the required information and is filed or
recorded in the county recording office of the county in which the
parcel is located.
(4)Every corner originally
monumented by the GLO or BLM that is physically reestablished shall
be monumented in accordance with the Survey Recording Act. If the
reestablished corner is not filed or recorded as part of a record of
survey, plat or short plat, at least three references shall be
established and filed or recorded on a Land Corner Record Form. If
the reestablished corner is filed or recorded as part of a record of
survey, plat or short plat, then ties to at least two other monuments
shown on the record document may serve in lieu of the required
references. A valid set of coordinates on the Washington plane
coordinate system may serve as one of the references. However, to
best ensure an accurate relocation, references in close proximity to
the corner are recommended. Monuments placed shall be magnetically
locatable and include a cap stamped with the appropriate corner
designation as defined in the current BLM Manual of Surveying