The following requirements apply to land boundary survey maps
and plans, records of surveys, plats, short plats, boundary line adjustments,
and binding site plans required by law to be filed or recorded with the
(1) All such documents filed or
recorded shall conform to the following:
They shall display a county recording official's information block which shall
be located along the bottom or right edge of the document unless there is a
local requirement specifying this information in a different format. The county
recording official's information block shall contain:
(i) The title block, which shall be on all
sheets of maps, plats or plans, and shall identify the business name of the
firm and/or land surveyor that performed the survey. For documents not
requiring the surveyor's certificate required by RCW 58.09.080, the title block
shall show the name and business address of the preparer and the date prepared.
Every sheet of multiple sheets shall have a sheet identification number, such
as "sheet 1 of 5";
(ii) The
auditor's certificate, where applicable, which shall be on the first sheet of
multiple sheets; however, the county recording official shall enter the
appropriate volume and page and/or the auditor's file number on each sheet of
multiple sheets;
(iii) The
surveyor's certificate, where applicable, which shall be on the first sheet of
multiple sheets and shall show the name, license number, signed seal of the
land surveyor who had responsible charge of the survey portrayed, and the date
the land surveyor approved the map or plat. Every sheet of multiple sheets
shall have the signed seal of the land surveyor and the date signed;
(iv) The following indexing information on
the first sheet of multiple sheets:
(A) The
section-township-range and quarter-quarter(s) of the section in which the
surveyed parcel lies, except that if the parcel lies in a portion of the
section officially identified by terminology other than aliquot parts, such as
government lot, donation land claim, homestead entry survey, townsite, tract,
and Indian or military reservation, then also identify that official
subdivisional tract and call out the corresponding approximate
quarter-quarter(s) based on projections of the aliquot parts. Where the section
is incapable of being described by projected aliquot parts, such as the Port
Angeles town-site, or elongated sections with excess tiers of government lots,
then it is acceptable to provide only the official GLO designation;
(B) Additionally, if appropriate, the lot(s)
and block(s) and the name and/or number of the filed or recorded subdivision
plat or short plat with the related recording data;
(b) They shall contain:
(i) A north arrow;
(ii) The vertical datum when topography or
elevations are shown;
(iii) The
basis for bearings, angle relationships or azimuths shown. The description of
the directional reference system, along with the method and location of
obtaining it, shall be clearly given (such as "North by Polaris observation at
the SE corner of section 6"; "Grid north from azimuth mark at station Kellogg";
"North by compass using twenty-one degrees variation"; "None"; or "Assumed
bearing based on..."). If the basis of direction differs from record title,
that difference should be noted;
(iv) Bearings, angles, or azimuths in
degrees, minutes and seconds;
Distances in feet and decimals of feet;
(vi) Curve data showing the controlling
(c) They shall
show the scale for all portions of the map, plat, or plan provided that detail
not drawn to scale shall be so identified. A graphic scale for the main body of
the drawing, shown in feet, shall be included. The scale of the main body of
the drawing and any enlargement detail shall be large enough to clearly portray
all of the drafting detail, both on the original and reproductions;
(d) The document filed or recorded and all
copies required to be submitted with the filed or recorded document shall, for
legibility purposes:
(i) Have a uniform
contrast suitable for scanning or microfilming;
(ii) Be without any form of cross-hatching,
shading, or any other highlighting technique that to any degree diminishes the
legibility of the drafting detail or text;
(iii) Contain dimensioning and lettering no
smaller than 0.08 inches, vertically, and line widths not less than 0.008
inches (equivalent to pen tip 000). This provision does not apply to vicinity
maps, land surveyors' seals and certificates.
(e) They shall not have any adhesive material
affixed to the surface;
(f) For the
intelligent interpretation of the various items shown, including the location
of points, lines and areas, they shall:
Reference record survey documents that identify different corner
(ii) Show deed calls
that are at variance with the measured distances and directions of the surveyed
(iii) Identify all corners
used to control the survey whether they were calculated from a previous survey
of record or found, established, or reestablished;
(iv) Give the physical description of any
monuments shown, found, established or reestablished, including type, size, and
date visited;
(v) Show the record
land description of the parcel or boundary surveyed or a reference to an
instrument of record;
(vi) Identify
any ambiguities, hiatuses, and/or overlapping boundaries;
(vii) Give the location and identification of
any visible physical appurtenances such as fences or structures which may
indicate encroachment, lines of possession, or conflict of title.
(2) All signatures and
writing shall be made with permanent black ink.
(3) The following criteria shall be adhered
to when altering, amending, changing, or correcting survey information on
previously filed or recorded maps, plats, or plans:
(a) Such maps, plats, or plans filed or
recorded shall comply with the applicable local requirements and/or the
recording statute under which the original map, plat, or plan was filed or
(b) Alterations,
amendments, changes, or corrections to a previously filed or recorded map,
plat, or plan shall only be made by filing or recording a new map, plat, or
(c) All such maps, plats, or
plans filed or recorded shall contain the following information:
(i) A title or heading identifying the map,
plat, or plan as an alteration, amendment, change, or correction to a
previously filed or recorded map, plat, or plan along with, when applicable, a
cross-reference to the volume and page and auditor's file number of the altered
map, plat, or plan;
(ii) Indexing
data as required by subsection (1)(a)(iv) of this section;
(iii) A prominent note itemizing the
change(s) to the original map, plat, or plan. Each item shall explicitly state
what the change is and where the change is located on the original;
(d) The county recording official
shall file, index, and cross-reference all such maps, plats, or plans received
in a manner sufficient to provide adequate notice of the existence of the new
map, plat, or plan to anyone researching the county records for survey
(e) The county
recording official shall send to the department of natural resources, as per
RCW 58.09.050(3), a legible copy of any map, plat, or plan filed or recorded
which alters, amends, changes, or corrects survey information on any map, plat,
or plan that has been previously filed or recorded pursuant to the Survey
Recording Act.
(4) Survey
maps, plats and plans filed with the county shall be an original that is
legibly drawn in black ink and is suitable for producing legible prints through
scanning, microfilming or other standard copying procedures. The following are
allowable formats for the original that may be used in lieu of the format
stipulated above:
(a) Any standard material as
long as the format is compatible with the auditor's recording process and
records storage system. Provided, that records of survey filed pursuant to
chapter 58.09 RCW are subject to the restrictions stipulated in RCW
(b) An electronic
version of the original if the county has the capability to accept a digital
signature issued by a licensed certification authority under chapter 19.34 RCW
or a certification authority under the rules adopted by the Washington state
board of registration for professional engineers and land surveyors, and can
import electronic files into an imaging system. The electronic version shall be
a standard raster file format acceptable to the county.
(5) The following checklist is the only
checklist that may be used to determine the recordability of records of survey
filed pursuant to chapter 58.09 RCW. There are other requirements to meet legal
standards. This checklist also applies to maps filed pursuant to the other
survey map recording statutes, but for these maps there may be additional
sources for determining recordability.
(Adopted in WAC 332-130)
The following checklist applies to land boundary survey maps
and plans, records of surveys, plats, short plats, boundary line adjustments,
and binding site plans required by law to be filed or recorded with the county.
There are other requirements to meet legal standards. Records of survey filed
pursuant to chapter 58.09 RCW, that comply with this checklist, shall be
recorded; no other checklist is authorized for determining their
* Acceptable media are:
[ ] Any standard material compatible with county processes; or,
an electronic version of the original.
* [ ] All signatures must be made with black ink.
* [ ] The media submitted for filing must not have any material
on it that is affixed by adhesive.
* [ ] The documents submitted, including paper copies, must
have a uniform contrast throughout the document.
* [ ] The documents submitted must be legible and reproducible
by the auditor's recording system regardless of media used for
* [ ] No information, on either the original or the copies,
should be obscured or illegible due to cross-hatching, shading, or as a result
of poor drafting technique such as lines drawn through text or improper pen
size selection (letters or number filled in such that 3's, 6's or 8's are
* [ ] Signatures, date, and seals must be legible on the prints
or the party placing the seal must be otherwise identified.
* [ ] Text must be 0.08 inches or larger; line widths shall not
be less than 0.008 inches (vicinity maps, land surveyor's seals and
certificates are excluded).
* [ ] The recording officer's information block must be on the
bottom or right edge of the map.
[ ] A title block (shows the name of the preparer and is on
each sheet of multiple sheets).
[ ] An auditor's certificate (on the first sheet of multiple
sheets, although Vol./Pg. and/or AF# must be entered by the recording officer
on each sheet).
[ ] A surveyor's certificate (on the first sheet of multiple
sheets; seal, date, and signature on multiple sheets).
* The map filed must provide the following indexing
[ ] S-T-R and the quarter-quarter(s) or approximate
quarter-quarter(s) of the section in which the surveyed parcel lies.
* If the function of the document submitted is to change a
previously filed record, it must also have:
[ ] A title identifying it as a correction, amendment,
alteration or change to a previously filed record.
[ ] A note itemizing the changes.
* For records of survey:
[ ] The sheet size must be 18" x 24".
[ ] The margins must be 2" on the left and 1/2" for the others,
when viewed in landscape orientation.
[ ] In addition to the map being filed there must be two prints
included in the submittal; except that, in counties using imaging systems fewer
prints, as determined by the auditor, may be allowed.