Wash. Admin. Code § 468-51-090 - Construction requirements
Preconstruction conference. The department may require a preconstruction
conference prior to any work being performed on the department's right of way.
When required by provisions in the permit, the department will schedule a
preconstruction conference. The preconstruction conference should be attended
by the necessary personnel to assure compliance with the terms and provisions
of the permit.
(2) Time limit.
Substantial construction of the connection shall begin within ninety days of
the effective date of the permit, unless a longer time is approved by the
department or a time extension is requested by the applicant and approved by
the department. Construction shall be completed within one hundred twenty days
of the date of issuance of the permit, unless a time extension is approved by
the department. As a condition of the permit, the department may further limit
construction time, if the department determines that such limitation is
warranted. Failure to comply with the time limits specified in the permit shall
result in an automatic expiration of the permit following written notification
to the permit holder. For any permit which expires for failure to begin
construction or to complete construction within the specified time limits, the
department may require a new application, including the payment of the required
application fee prior to the initiation of any construction.
(3) Posting of permit. The approved
connection permit shall be displayed in a prominent location, protected from
the weather, within the vicinity of the connection construction.
(4) Disruption of traffic. All construction
and/or maintenance within department right of way shall conform to the
provisions of the connection permit, the "Manual on Uniform Traffic
Control Devices" (MUTCD); the department's current
"Design Manual," and the current "Standard
Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction." The
department may require or restrict hours of construction to minimize disruption
of traffic on the state highway system. If construction activity within the
department's right of way causes undue disruption of traffic or creates safety
hazards on a state highway, or if the construction activity is not in
compliance with the traffic control specifications in the permit, the
department shall advise the permit holder or the permit holder's contractor of
the need for immediate corrective action, and may order immediate suspension of
all or part of the work if deemed necessary. Failure to comply with this
provision may result in permit modification or revocation.
(5) Traffic signals and other traffic control
devices. Traffic signals and other traffic control devices installed by the
permit holder shall conform to MUTCD and department design and construction
standards. The permit holder is responsible for securing any state and local
permits needed for traffic signalization and regulatory signing and
(6) Connection
construction inspection. For Category II and Category III connections, the
department may require the permit holder, the developer, or landowner to
provide inspection of construction and certification that connection
construction is in accordance with permit provisions and appropriate department
standards by a professional engineer, registered in accordance with
18.43 RCW, or the
department may do the inspection at the applicant's expense, as provided in the
developer agreement.
Statutory Authority: Chapter 47.50 RCW. 99-06-034 (Order 187), § 468-51-090, filed 2/25/99, effective 3/28/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 47.01.101 and chapter 47.50 RCW. 92-14-044, § 468-51-090, filed 6/24/92, effective 7/25/92.
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