During construction of department projects, connections will be
provided as replacements for existing approved permitted connections, that are
consistent with all current department spacing, location, and design standards,
based on the following conditions:
Nonconforming connections. All nonconforming connections will be examined to
determine if the construction project will require relocation, alteration, or
closure of the connection to make it conforming.
(2) Application of current standards. The
number and location of connections shall be modified to the maximum extent
possible to meet current department spacing, location, and design standards.
Where current department standards cannot be met, the connection shall be
classified as nonconforming.
New connections, modifications. The department shall allow new or require
modification of existing connections if a connection permit application is made
and approved.
(4) Replacement of
existing connections. When connections are made as part of a department
construction project replacing existing connection points without material
differences, no additional permit shall be required. Costs shall be borne by
the department.
(5) New connections
-- Cost. The construction of new connection points, if approved by the
department, shall be done at the owner's expense by either the department's
contractor as part of the roadway improvement or by the owner's contractor at
the department's option.
Modifications -- Cost. If the modification of the connection point, that are
based on the owner's request, is more extensive than the routine replacement of
an existing connection, the owner shall also participate in the differential
(7) Work by permit holder's
contractor. The department shall require that work done by the owner's
contractor be accomplished at the completion of the department's contract or be
scheduled so as not to interfere with the department's contractor. The
department may require a surety bond prior to construction of the connection in
accordance with WAC
468-51-070. When the number,
location or design of existing access connections to the state highway are
being modified by a department construction project, the resulting modified
access connections shall provide the same general functionality for the
existing property use as they did before the modification, taking into
consideration the existing site design, normal vehicle types, and traffic
circulation requirements.
Notification. The department shall notify affected property
owners, permit holders, business owners and/or emergency services, in writing,
where appropriate, whenever the department's work program requires the
modification, relocation, or replacement of their access connections. In
addition to written notification, the department shall facilitate, where
appropriate, a public process which may include, but is not limited to, public
notices, meetings or hearings, and/or individual meetings. The department shall
provide the interested parties with the standards and principles of access