The legislature established the trip reduction performance
program (TRPP) in 2003 to create cost-effective projects that increase the
capacity of the transportation system by providing financial incentives to
commuters to reduce the number of vehicle commute trips and commute vehicle
miles traveled (VMT). WSDOT awards TRPP funds to cost-effective trip reduction
projects based on the projected cost per annualized vehicle commute trip and
commute VMT reduced during the project period. WSDOT will provide new projects
up to fifty percent of the award amount as start up funds on a reimbursable
basis. WSDOT will determine the remaining award amount, as well as any bonus
funds, based on the actual number of vehicle commute trips and commute VMT
What are trip
reduction performance projects? WSDOT awards funds on a competitive
basis to organizations that create cost-effective projects designed to reduce
vehicle commute trips and commute VMT. The organization will receive funds
based on the price associated with each vehicle commute trip and commute VMT
reduced and overall project performance. The TRPP is available to
entrepreneurs, private employers, public agencies, nonprofit organizations,
developers, and property managers who implement sustainable ways to reduce the
number of vehicle commute trips and commute VMT, and who provide financial
incentives to their own or other employees for ridesharing, public
transportation, nonmotorized transportation, telework, and alternative work
Definitions. For purposes of the implementation of TRPP projects,
the following definitions apply.
(a) A
financial incentive is defined as a policy,
procedure, capital investment or payment intended to provide commuters a
financial gain if they use commute options other than by driving alone. The
eligible incentives may include, but are not limited to: Providing a free or
reduced cost of transit pass, free or reduced parking charge for rideshare
vehicles and initiating parking charges for commuter vehicles to discourage
drive-alone commuting, paying the membership fee for a car sharing program,
providing commuters with alternative work schedules, providing a direct cash
payment, reducing the insurance rate for commuters who reduce the use of their
vehicle for commuting, or reducing the distance a commuter travels to work by
reassigning their work location to a worksite closer to their home.
Car sharing means a
membership program intended to offer an alternative to car ownership. An
individual or organization member is permitted to use vehicles from a fleet on
an hourly basis.
Telework means a program where a commuter performs work
functions that are normally performed at a traditional worksite, but does so
instead at the commuter's home, or at a telework center that is located closer
to the commuter's home than to the commuter's worksite, for at least one day a
week in an effort to reduce the number of trips to the commuter's
(d) A
person-trip is a one-way commute trip made by one person to
get to work. A trip avoided because the commuter teleworks, or because the
commuter works an alternative work schedule, is also considered a
(e) A
mode is the means of transportation a commuter took to work.
Driving alone, carpooling, working an alternative work schedule, teleworking,
bicycling, etc., are examples of modes.
(f) A measurement records
the number of person-trips made by commuters commuting to work during a period
such as a week or month, using each specific transportation mode. A measurement
also records the distance each commuter commutes to work; the type of work
schedule or alternative work schedules that each commuter works; and the number
of persons in the commuter's carpool or vanpool if the commuter uses one of
these modes. WSDOT may require that a measurement record additional information
necessary to evaluate the project performance.
Mode share is the
percentage of person-trips made by a population of commuters commuting to work
using specific modes of transportation. For example, if twenty-three percent of
the person-trips made in commuting to a worksite are by carpool, the carpool
mode share for that worksite is twenty-three percent.
(h) A mode split is the set
of mode shares for a population of commuters commuting to a worksite. The sum
of the mode shares for the population is one hundred percent. When calculating
mode shares and mode split from measurement data, WSDOT makes adjustments as
necessary for missing data, days reported by commuters as not worked,
inconsistency between commute mode and vehicle occupancy data, and reported use
of alternative work schedules. When making these adjustments, WSDOT follows CTR
board guidelines when these are available, and makes reasonable adjustments
commute trip is the number of vehicle trips made to bring commuters to
work at a worksite or specified collection of worksites on an average weekday
morning, using the mode split from a measurement. WSDOT will provide
information to applicants on calculating commute vehicle trips.
Calculation: WSDOT calculates a vehicle commute trip by
dividing a person-trip by the number of persons in the vehicle. For passenger
cars, trucks, vans, and motorcycles, WSDOT calculates the vehicle occupancy
from measurement data using CTR board guidelines, or from equivalent data as
agreed by WSDOT and the applicant. For buses, WSDOT assumes an average
occupancy of twenty-five persons. If the CTR board issues guidelines for using
bus occupancy, WSDOT will follow the board's guidelines in subsequent projects.
A person-trip made by bicycling, walking, or other nonmotorized means of
transportation; by riding a train; or avoided either because the commuter
teleworks or because the commuter works an alternative work schedule, is not
considered as using a motor vehicle under this definition. If commuters at a
worksite work at jobs that last less than a full year, WSDOT annualizes the
vehicle commute trip. For example, if the jobs at a worksite last for only nine
months, then WSDOT will annualize the vehicle commute trip as three quarters of
the vehicle commute trip that would be calculated if the commuters worked for a
full year. WSDOT then will use the annualized values in determining project
performance and payments.
Reduced vehicle commute
trip is the reduction in the number of vehicle commute trips between a
baseline measurement and a performance measurement. WSDOT will provide
information to applicants on calculating reduced vehicle commute trips.
Calculation: WSDOT calculates reduced vehicle commute trips by
subtracting the number of vehicle commute trips made by the commuters in the
performance measurement, from the number of vehicle trips the same number of
commuters would have made if they had commuted using the mode split from the
baseline measurement.
Commute VMT per person is the average daily vehicle commute
trips each commuter makes in a motorized vehicle, multiplied by the commuter's
one-way distance to work, summed for all commuters, and the sum then divided by
the number of commuters.
Reduced commute VMT is the reduction in the number of commute
VMT per person between a baseline measurement and a performance measurement.
WSDOT calculates reduced commute VMT by subtracting the commute VMT per person
in the performance measurement, from the commute VMT in the baseline
(m) A project
goal is the total number of vehicle commute trips and commute VMT that
a project proposes to reduce when it applies for TRPP funding.
Performance is defined
as progress toward meeting the project goal to reduce vehicle commute trips and
commute VMT.
Agent is an organization or individual who represents the
private employer, public agency, nonprofit organization, developer, or property
manager and is charged with managing the TRPP project or providing the commuter
the financial incentive.
(p) The
price per trip (or trip price) is the amount that WSDOT agrees
to pay for each annualized vehicle commute trip reduced by a TRPP project, up
to the number of trips proposed in the project goal.
(q) A cost-effective project
is one that defines a project that will reduce vehicle commute trips and
commute VMT at less than the cost of providing new highway capacity and reduce
traffic congestion in the project area.
(r) The award amount for a
project is the amount WSDOT awards to a project. It will be based on the
proposed cost per vehicle commute trip and commute VMT reduced, as well as
program funding levels and the project's scoring in the application
partnership is a relationship between two or more organizations that
is characterized by mutual cooperation, responsibility for the development and
implementation of a project.
Who can apply? TRPP funds
are available on a statewide competitive basis for entrepreneurs, private
employers, public agencies, nonprofit organizations, developers, and property
managers or their agents who create cost-effective trip reduction projects. To
be eligible for TRPP funds, the applicant must provide financial incentives to
their own or other commuters for ridesharing, using public transportation, car
sharing, nonmotorized commuting, telework, and/or alternative work
What kinds of
projects will be funded? To receive funds, applicants must fully
complete a TRPP proposal form provided by WSDOT and submit the form to WSDOT
within the timeline set forth in the call for projects.
How much money will be awarded to
individual projects? WSDOT awards funds based on the estimated vehicle
commute trip and commute VMT that the project proposes to reduce. The applicant
will provide an estimate of the anticipated performance in reducing vehicle
commute trips and commute VMT, and the price per trip that the applicant will
charge WSDOT for reducing a commute vehicle trip. Once the selection committee
ranks the projects, WSDOT will award funds based on committee ranking until
half of the program funds are awarded in each fiscal year or all cost effective
projects are funded. A project for a single worksite may not receive more than
one hundred thousand dollars per fiscal year.
How much money can be awarded to
projects with multiple partners? Each organization (agency or employer)
on the proposal may receive up to one hundred thousand dollars with the total
amount not to exceed two hundred fifty thousand dollars per project proposal,
per fiscal year. WSDOT may exceed this organization maximum award at their
discretion if the legislature appropriates additional funds for this
Who can apply
for a partnership? An agent or organization on behalf of agencies or
employers provides the financial incentive to the commuter can submit a project
partnership proposal and be the prime recipient for the project. Project
partnership proposals must include a description of each partner's roles,
responsibilities and assurances for the project.
How does the applicant apply for
the TRPP funds? WSDOT will notify eligible applicants of the open period
for proposals. WSDOT may open more than one call for TRPP proposals per year
depending on TRPP funding availability. To apply for TRPP funds, applicants
must complete a TRPP proposal form during the call for TRPP proposals period.
The TRPP proposal form is available upon request from WSDOT. WSDOT recommends
that applicants within a CTR affected area notify the jurisdictional authority,
e.g., regional transportation planning organization (RTPO), county, city, or
transit agency, so that they can coordinate the project with local trip
reduction strategies and plans. This provides an opportunity for project
coordination and potential partnership.
Applicants may submit more than one project proposal for consideration;
however, the combined sum of all the project costs cannot exceed what the
applicant is eligible to receive.
(b) All projects must have a baseline
measurement and a performance measurement. All applicants must describe how
they will measure performance for their project. Projects may be rated based on
the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed measurement method. WSDOT may
require projects to conform to WSDOT-approved measurement tools and
(c) All applicants must
fully and accurately complete a TRPP proposal form provided by WSDOT.
Can a project be
renewed? WSDOT may approve renewal for a project that performs well;
however, the applicant must complete a TRPP proposal for the project. If the
proposals review and selection committee approves the project, WSDOT may
require the applicant to conduct a new baseline measurement for the project.
Renewal proposals may include a proposed adjustment to the trip price and/or
project goal. Adjustments to the trip price or goal are subject to WSDOT. All
projects are subject to termination if the project is not performing according
to expectations or is not continuing to work towards the reduction of commute
How will the
proposal be reviewed? WSDOT staff will review all proposals and make
recommendations to the selection committee comprised of members invited by the
chair of the CTR board. The committee will be comprised of between six and nine
members, which include at least one member from the CTR board, one member from
Central Puget Sound, one member from the rest of the state, one employer
representative, one transit agency representative, one city government
representative, one member from the CTR technical advisory group, and one
regional transportation planning organization representative. To maintain the
integrity of the proposals review and selection process, no project applicants
may serve on the proposals review and selection committee. The committee will
review and select projects based on staff review and the criteria established
by WSDOT and communicated in project application guidance. WSDOT will make the
final decision on which projects to fund and at what level.
implementation and penalties: All contractors must
implement their projects within three months (first quarter) after signing the
contract in order to receive one hundred percent of the awarded funds. If the
project is not implemented until the second quarter, only seventy-five percent
of the awarded funds will be available; fifty percent if implementation does
not occur until the third quarter; and twenty-five percent if implementation
does not occur until the fourth quarter. A project is subject to termination if
it has not been implemented by the fifth quarter. Project implementation or
start of the project is defined as the completion of the project baseline
happens if a project does not perform? All projects are subject to
termination at WSDOT's discretion if the project is not performing or
demonstrating progress toward achieving its goals.
What is the performance payment
schedule? Every project must have a baseline measurement, and the
baseline measurement must begin before the contractors can receive
reimbursement for start-up costs. The contractor must submit a project final
performance measurement by the date specified by WSDOT in order to receive
performance payment.
are projects that overlap treated? No applicant may claim full reduction
in commuter vehicle commute trip or commute VMT that are claimed as part of
another project. WSDOT will make an initial screening of awarded projects to
determine whether projects overlap. If WSDOT finds that projects being
considered for selection are likely to overlap, WSDOT will notify the
applicants, and provide them with the opportunity to form partnerships to be
considered as one project for funding, or adjust their projects to avoid
overlap. WSDOT will require funded overlapping projects to use the
WSDOT-approved measurement tool that helps to eliminate the potential of paying
for overlap. WSDOT may reject proposals that insufficiently address