Chapter 132T-100 - Student code of conduct
- § 132T-100-010 - Preamble
- § 132T-100-020 - Statement of student rights
- § 132T-100-030 - Definitions
- § 132T-100-040 - Authority
- § 132T-100-045 - Statement of jurisdiction
- § 132T-100-050 - Good standing
- § 132T-100-060 - Student conduct board
- § 132T-100-070 - Decisions
- § 132T-100-100 - Conduct-Rules and regulations
- § 132T-100-105 - Abusive conduct
- § 132T-100-108 - Abuse of the student conduct process
- § 132T-100-111 - Academic integrity
- § 132T-100-114 - Dishonesty
- § 132T-100-117 - Obstructive or disruptive conduct
- § 132T-100-120 - Assault, intimidation, harassment
- § 132T-100-123 - Cyber misconduct
- § 132T-100-126 - Property violation
- § 132T-100-129 - Failure to comply with directive
- § 132T-100-132 - Weapons violations
- § 132T-100-135 - Hazing
- § 132T-100-138 - Alcohol, drug, and tobacco violations
- § 132T-100-144 - Discriminatory conduct
- § 132T-100-147 - Sexual misconduct
- § 132T-100-150 - Harassment
- § 132T-100-153 - Retaliation
- § 132T-100-156 - Misuse of electronic resources
- § 132T-100-159 - Unauthorized access
- § 132T-100-162 - Safety violations
- § 132T-100-165 - Violation of other laws or policies
- § 132T-100-168 - Ethical violation
- § 132T-100-200 - Student conduct process
- § 132T-100-210 - Violation of law and college discipline
- § 132T-100-220 - Appeal process
- § 132T-100-230 - Brief adjudicative process
- § 132T-100-240 - Full adjudicative process
- § 132T-100-290 - Disciplinary sanctions and terms and conditions
- § 132T-100-292 - Failure to comply
- § 132T-100-295 - Disciplinary holds
- § 132T-100-300 - Interim measures
- § 132T-100-350 - Summary suspension
- § 132T-100-400 - Records of disciplinary action
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.