Chapter 296-809 - Confined spaces
- § 296-809-099 - Definitions
- § 296-809-100 - Scope
- § 296-809-200 - Identify and control entry into permit-required confined spaces
- § 296-809-20002 - Identify permit-required confined spaces
- § 296-809-20004 - Inform employees and control entry to permit-required confined spaces
- § 296-809-20006 - Follow these requirements when you contract with another employer to enter your confined space
- § 296-809-300 - Permit-required confined space program
- § 296-809-30002 - Develop a written permit-required confined space program Important:
- § 296-809-30004 - Meet these additional requirements if your employees enter another employer's confined space
- § 296-809-400 - Employee training
- § 296-809-40002 - Provide employee training
- § 296-809-40004 - Certify employee proficiency
- § 296-809-500 - Permit entry procedures
- § 296-809-50002 - Implement procedures for safe entry into permit-required confined spaces
- § 296-809-50004 - Use an entry permit that contains all required information
- § 296-809-50006 - Keep and review your entry permits
- § 296-809-50008 - Prevent unauthorized entry
- § 296-809-50010 - Provide, maintain, and use proper equipment
- § 296-809-50012 - Evaluate and control hazards for safe entry
- § 296-809-50014 - Make sure you have adequate rescue and emergency services available
- § 296-809-50016 - Use nonentry rescue systems or methods whenever possible
- § 296-809-50018 - Make sure entry supervisors perform their responsibilities and duties
- § 296-809-50020 - Provide an attendant outside the permit-required confined space
- § 296-809-50022 - Make sure entrants know the hazardous conditions and their duties
- § 296-809-50024 - Implement procedures for ending entry
- § 296-809-600 - Alternative methods
- § 296-809-60002 - Make sure the following conditions are met if using alternative methods
- § 296-809-60004 - Implement alternative methods for each permit-required confined space that meet the criteria
- § 296-809-700 - [Repealed] Nonpermit confined spaces requirements
- § 296-809-70002 - [Repealed] Follow these requirements when classifying a confined space as a nonpermit confined space
- § 296-809-70004 - [Repealed] Reevaluate nonpermit confined spaces if hazards develop
- § 296-809-800 - Definitions (Repealed)
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.