- § 468-600-300 - Additional disclosure requirements for proposers of solicited and unsolicited proposals
- § 468-600-305 - Appointment of evaluation panel
- § 468-600-310 - Preliminary review of proposals
- § 468-600-315 - Commission review of unsolicited conceptual proposals
- § 468-600-320 - Competing proposals
- § 468-600-330 - Proposal evaluation factors and criteria
- § 468-600-331 - Factors for proposals that include tolling
- § 468-600-340 - Proposer presentations
- § 468-600-345 - Required supplements or refinements to proposals
- § 468-600-350 - Evaluation panel recommendation to commission
- § 468-600-355 - Commission review and selection of proposals
- § 468-600-360 - Commission's authority to elect competitive negotiations
- § 468-600-365 - Protests of rejection of proposal/award of contract to competitor in competing proposals context
- § 468-600-370 - Notification of apparent successful proposer - Prenegotiation activities authorized
- § 468-600-600 - Public records and public disclosure
- § 468-600-605 - Designation of sensitive business, commercial or financial information and trade secrets
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.