Chapter 495B-116 - Parking and traffic
- § 495B-116-010 - Purpose for adopting parking and traffic rules
- § 495B-116-020 - Applicable parking and traffic rules
- § 495B-116-030 - Definitions
- § 495B-116-040 - Authorization for issuance of permits
- § 495B-116-050 - Vehicle parking permits
- § 495B-116-060 - Visitor permits
- § 495B-116-070 - Responsibility of person to whom permit is issued
- § 495B-116-080 - Display of permits
- § 495B-116-090 - Transfer of permits
- § 495B-116-100 - Permit revocation
- § 495B-116-110 - Right to refuse permit
- § 495B-116-120 - Appeal of permit revocation or refusal
- § 495B-116-130 - Delegation of authority
- § 495B-116-140 - Enforcement
- § 495B-116-150 - Violation of parking and traffic rules
- § 495B-116-160 - Issuance of traffic tickets or summons
- § 495B-116-170 - Fines and penalties
- § 495B-116-180 - Appeal of citations and penalties
- § 495B-116-190 - Parking advisory committee
- § 495B-116-200 - Disclaimer of liability by college
- § 495B-116-210 - Designation of parking
- § 495B-116-220 - Parking within designated spaces
- § 495B-116-230 - Regulatory signs, markings, barricades, etc
- § 495B-116-240 - Speed limit
- § 495B-116-250 - Pedestrian right of way
- § 495B-116-260 - Two-wheeled motorcycles or bicycles
- § 495B-116-270 - Report of accidents
- § 495B-116-280 - Disabled or inoperative vehicles - Impounding
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.