W. Va. Code R. § 14-10-3 - Continuing Education
3.1. A
licensee shall complete a minimum of forty (40) hours of continuing education
for each even-numbered, two (2) year cycle.
3.2. Of the required forty (40) hours, the
licensee shall complete the following categories of continuing education:
3.2.a. a minimum of twelve (12) hours of
study in pharmacology or therapeutics courses;
3.2.b. a maximum of ten (10) hours of
optometric study may be taken by correspondence, via the Internet or other
electronic means;
3.2.c. a minimum
of two (2) hours of study in administering pharmaceutical agents by
3.3. In
addition to the above-listed continuing education requirements, a licensee who
holds an Injectable Pharmaceutical Agents Certificate shall obtain and maintain
current certification from the American Red Cross, American Heart Association
or their successor organizations in basic life support.
3.4. The licensee shall maintain evidence of
meeting the continuing education requirements for a period of four (4) years.
Required documentation of compliance with continuing education requirements is
subject to audit by the Board . A licensee who fails a Board audit of continuing
education records may be subject to disciplinary action.
3.5. All continuing education study must be
sponsored or approved by one of the organizations listed in subsection 5.1. or
pre-approved by the Board as outlined in section 6.
3.6. The Board reserves its right to assign
the category of credit granted for each continuing education course in
accordance with W.Va. Code R., §14-10-3.2. through W. Va. Code R.,
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
3.1. A licensee shall complete a minimum of forty (40) hours of continuing education for each even-numbered, two (2) year cycle.
3.2. Of the required forty (40) hours, the licensee shall complete the following categories of continuing education:
3.2.a. a minimum of twelve (12) hours of study in pharmacology or therapeutics courses;
3.2.b. a maximum of ten (10) hours of optometric study may be taken by correspondence, via the Internet or other electronic means;
3.2.c. a minimum of two (2) hours of study in administering pharmaceutical agents by injection;
3.3. In addition to the above-listed continuing education requirements, a licensee who holds an Injectable Pharmaceutical Agents Certificate shall obtain and maintain current certification from the American Red Cross, American Heart Association or their successor organizations in basic life support.
3.4. The licensee shall maintain evidence of meeting the continuing education requirements for a period of four (4) years. Required documentation of compliance with continuing education requirements is subject to audit by the Board. A licensee who fails a Board audit of continuing education records may be subject to disciplinary action.
3.5. All continuing education study must be sponsored or approved by one of the organizations listed in subsection 5.1. or pre-approved by the Board as outlined in section 6.