W. Va. Code R. § 64-63-1 - General

1.1. Scope. -- This legislative rule establishes procedures and standards for the licensure and training of persons who engage in activities related to asbestos abatement and the operation of asbestos abatement projects; it also identifies the responsibilities of owners of buildings or other man-made structures where asbestos abatement projects are being conducted.
1.2. Authority. -- W. Va. Code '16-32-3.
1.3. Filing Date. -- April 3, 1998.
1.4. Effective Date. -- May 4, 1998.
1.5. Repeal of Former Rule. -- This rule repeals and replaces West Virginia Division of Health Administrative Rules, 64 CSR 63, Asbestos Abatement Licensing Rule, 1990.
1.6. Application. -- This rule applies to: all owners of buildings and other man-made structures; all persons who conduct asbestos abatement projects; all asbestos analytical laboratories; all persons who perform the work of asbestos clearance air monitors, contractors, inspectors, management planners, project designers, supervisors, workers; and all resilient floor covering workers: Provided, That any individual, corporation, partnership, sole proprietorship, firm, enterprise, franchise, association or any business entity which contracts to remove resilient floor covering materials in single-family dwellings is not required to be licensed as an asbestos contractor.
1.7. Enforcement. -- This rule is enforced by the director[1] of the division of health.


W. Va. Code R. § 64-63-1

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.