Wis. Admin. Code Department of Transportation Trans 29.07 - Fees
(1) Upon application for a permit under this
chapter, a utility shall pay to the department an administrative and inspection
fee as set forth in the following fee schedule:
Type of Facility Fee
(a) "Transverse utility crossings." Aerial or
underground crossings involving the installation of a utility facility, the
modification of a utility facility or the placement of additional components
upon existing facilities previously permitted or legally erected on department
property by other than the current permittee. $175
(b) "Longitudinal aerial utility
installation." Aerial utility facility installations involving the installation
of a utility facility or the modification of a utility facility within the
department railroad property.
1. Permit for up
to 5 miles of installation. $235
Permit for up to 10 miles of installation. $390
3. Permit for up to 15 miles of installation.
4. Permit for up to 20 miles
of installation. $700
(c) "Longitudinal underground utility
installations." Underground utility facility installations involving the
installation of a utility facility or the modification of a utility facility on
the department railroad property. The fee is based on one pre-construction
inspection and on one daily inspection for each day's work or fraction of a
day's work.
1. Permit for up to 5 miles of
installation. $125*
2. Permit for
up to 10 miles of installation. $175*
3. Permit for up to 15 miles of installation.
4. Permit for up to 20 miles
of installation. $275*
* plus $50 for each daily inspection
(d) Where spot checking or regular
inspections reveal the need for corrections or changes to comply with the
permit, the permittee shall pay the costs of those corrections or changes and a
$50 fee per required follow-up inspection.
(2) In addition to any fee paid under sub.
(1), the railroad operator may require reimbursement from the utility for
reasonable services rendered including administration, flagging, track removal
and reinstalling, and other functions necessary to accommodate a utility
facility installation or modification. Reimbursement arrangements for these
services shall be solely between the railroad operator and the utility.
Concurrence in the permit application by the railroad operator implies
agreement between the utility and the railroad operator on service
(3) Whenever a
"transverse utility crossing" is installed or modified within department
railroad property where that department railroad property is also located
within a town, county, village or city highway or street right-of-way, the
department need not conduct its usual post-installation or post-modification
inspection if, as a substitute for that inspection, the utility provides an
affidavit of a professional engineer, duly registered to practice engineering
in Wisconsin, certifying that the utility installation or modification has been
carried out in accordance with the pertinent application, these rules, all
other applicable rules or standards and sound engineering practices. The
utility shall file the required affidavit with the department not more than 10
days after the utility facility is installed or modified. Whenever the
provisions of this subsection are applicable and followed, the fee established
in sub. (1) (a) shall be reduced to $100 reflecting the department's diminished
inspection activities.
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.