Wis. Admin. Code Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, ch. UWS 17 - Student Nonacademic Disciplinary Procedures

  1. Subchapter I - General (§ UWS 17.01 to UWS 17.085)
  2. Subchapter II - Procedures for Student Nonacademic Discipline in Nonsexual Misconduct Cases (§ UWS 17.09 to UWS 17.15)
  3. Subchapter III - Procedures for Student Nonacademic Discipline in Sexual Misconduct Cases (§ UWS 17.151 to UWS 17.156)
  4. Subchapter IV - Effect of Discipline, Petitions for Restoration, and Emergency Suspension (§ UWS 17.16 to UWS 17.19)


Wis. Admin. Code Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, ch. UWS 17
Amended by,Register June 2016 No. 726, eff.7/1/2016.

See ch. UWS 14 for student academic disciplinary procedures.

Note: Chapter UWS 17 as it existed on August 31, 1996 was repealed and a new chapter UWS 17 was created effective September 1, 1996. Chapter UWS 17 as it existed on August 31, 2009, was repealed and a new chapter UWS 17 was created effective September 1, 2009.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.