Wis. Admin. Code Department of Public Instruction, ch. PI 49 - Special Needs Scholarship Program
- § PI 49.01 - Purpose
- § PI 49.02 - Definitions
- § PI 49.03 - School requirements
- § PI 49.04 - Financial information and surety bond
- § PI 49.05 - Pupil application requirements
- § PI 49.06 - School year enrollment
- § PI 49.07 - Enrollment audits
- § PI 49.08 - Financial audit
- § PI 49.09 - Financial audit supplemental schedule
- § PI 49.10 - School financial requirements
- § PI 49.11 - Auditor requirements
- § PI 49.12 - Quarterly reporting to parent
- § PI 49.13 - State aid payment calculation
- § PI 49.14 - Department authority
- § PI 49.15 - Right to a request a hearing
- § PI 49.16 - Summer school attendance and payment
Chapter PI 49 was created by emergency rule, EmR1619, effective 6-2-16.
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.