Wis. Admin. Code Department of Transportation, ch. Trans 300 - Transportation Of School Children

  1. § Trans 300.01 - Purpose and scope
  2. § Trans 300.02 - Definitions
  3. Subchapter I - Purchasing and Operating Requirements (§ Trans 300.10 to Trans 300.22)
  4. Subchapter II - Equipment Standards (§ Trans 300.25 to Trans 300.73)
  5. Subchapter III - Special Additional Requirements (§ Trans 300.75 to Trans 300.81)
  6. Subchapter IV - General Requirements (§ Trans 300.85 to Trans 300.89)


Wis. Admin. Code Department of Transportation, ch. Trans 300

Chapter Trans 300 was renumbered from chapter MVD 17 and revised by emergency rule effective September 8, 1982; chapter MVD 17 as it existed on February 28, 1983 was repealed and a new chapter Trans 300 was created effective March 1, 1983.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.