Wyo. Code R. agency 045, Subagency 0004, ch. 5 - SIZE AND WEIGHT LIMITATIONS OF VEHICLES
- § 5-1 - Authority and Purpose
- § 5-2 - Definitions
- § 5-3 - Statutory Size and Weight Limits (Exclusive of Permits)
- § 5-4 - Permit-issuing Authorities and Types of Permits Available
- § 5-5 - Statutory and Administrative Exemptions
- § 5-6 - Permit Fees
- § 5-7 - Permitted Hours and Dates of Movement; Weather Conditions
- § 5-8 - Safety Measures and Moves
- § 5-9 - Escort Procedures
- § 5-10 - Escort Equipment
- § 5-11 - Rating and Posting of Highways and Structures
- § 5-12 - Damage to Highways and Structures
- § 5-13 - Penalty for Violation
- § 5-14 - National Defense
- § 5-15 - Class C Self-issuing Permit Procedures
- § 5-16 - Procedure for Obtaining Classes of Permits
- § 5-17 - Class D Permits
- § 5-18 - Moves of Recreational Vehicles
- § 5-19 - Class E and Class F Permits
- § 5-20 - Class W Permits (Multi-piece Loads Exceeding 117,000 lbs)
- § 5-21 - Implements and Produce of Husbandry Moved by Farmers and Ranchers
- § 5-22 - Implement Dealers
- § 5-23 - Custom Agricultural Operations
- § 5-24 - Emergency Relief Permits
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.