A local educational agency may consolidate and use funds under this part, together with other Federal, State, and local funds, in order to upgrade the entire educational program of a school that serves an eligible school attendance area in which not less than 40 percent of the children are from low-income families, or not less than 40 percent of the children enrolled in the school are from such families.
A school that serves an eligible school attendance area in which less than 40 percent of the children are from low-income families, or a school for which less than 40 percent of the children enrolled in the school are from such families, may operate a schoolwide program under this section if the school receives a waiver from the State educational agency to do so, after taking into account how a schoolwide program will best serve the needs of the students in the school served under this part in improving academic achievement and other factors.
In accordance with the method of determination described in section 6321(b)(2) of this title, a school participating in a schoolwide program shall use funds available to carry out this section only to supplement the amount of funds that would, in the absence of funds under this part, be made available from non-Federal sources for the school, including funds needed to provide services that are required by law for children with disabilities and English learners.
Except as provided in paragraph (2), the Secretary may, through publication of a notice in the Federal Register, exempt schoolwide programs under this section from statutory or regulatory provisions of any other noncompetitive formula grant program administered by the Secretary (other than formula or discretionary grant programs under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (20 U.S.C. 1400 et seq.), except as provided in section 613(a)(2)(D) of such Act (20 U.S.C. 1413(a)(2)(D))), or any discretionary grant program administered by the Secretary, to support schoolwide programs if the intent and purposes of such other programs are met.
A school that chooses to use funds from such other programs shall not be relieved of the requirements relating to health, safety, civil rights, student and parental participation and involvement, services to private school children, comparability of services, maintenance of effort, uses of Federal funds to supplement, not supplant non-Federal funds (in accordance with the method of determination described in section 6321(b)(2) of this title), or the distribution of funds to State educational agencies or local educational agencies that apply to the receipt of funds from such programs.
A school that chooses to consolidate and use funds from different Federal programs under this section shall not be required to maintain separate fiscal accounting records, by program, that identify the specific activities supported by those particular funds as long as the school maintains records that demonstrate that the schoolwide program, considered as a whole, addresses the intent and purposes of each of the Federal programs that were consolidated to support the schoolwide program.
A school that operates a schoolwide program under this section may use funds available under this part to establish or enhance preschool programs for children who are under 6 years of age.
The services of a schoolwide program under this section may be delivered by nonprofit or for-profit external providers with expertise in using evidence-based or other effective strategies to improve student achievement.
A secondary school operating a schoolwide program under this section may use funds received under this part to operate dual or concurrent enrollment programs that address the needs of low-achieving secondary school students and those at risk of not meeting the challenging State academic standards.