
E.g., is the abbreviation for the Latin phrase exempli gratia, meaning "for the sake of example."

In formal legal writing, e.g. is a signal indicating that the following source represents one supporting example out of a...

economic duress

In contract law, economic duress also called business compulsion, refers to one party’s improper or illegal conduct that causes the other party’s fear of economic hardship and the fear prevents the party from engaging in a commercial...

economic efficiency

Economic efficiency refers to a state in which the allocation of resources yields the greatest net benefit (i.e., the most efficient result). Legislators and judges often consider economic efficiency when formulating rules and deciding who...

economic espionage

Economic espionage is the unlawful or clandestine targeting or acquisition of sensitive financial, trade or economic policy information; proprietary economic information; or technological information.

The primary law against...

Edmunds Anti-Polygamy Act of 1882

The Edmunds Anti-Polygamy Act of 1882 (Edmunds Act) is a U.S. federal statute adopted in 1882 declaring polygamy as a felony in federal territories. The Edmunds Act suppressed different rights for people practicing polygamy and made it...


Education Law: An Overview

Education law is a broad topic that encompasses several legal subjects. Education exists as a government function, which is administered through the public school system by the Department of Education. The states,...


Efficiency refers to a result that yields the largest possible net benefit. To find the most efficient decision or legal rule, a cost-benefit analysis should be done for every available option. The strength of any argument about efficiency...

efficient breach

An efficient breach is a breach of contract in which the breaching party finds it cheaper to pay damages than to perform under the contract. Unlike accidental breaches of contract, efficient breaches are intentional decisions not to uphold...

efficient breach theory

Efficient breach theory is the idea that parties should feel free to breach a contract and pay damages because doing so is more economically efficient than performing under the contract.

Under efficient breach theory,...


Egregious, from the Latin egregius, meaning “illustrious” or literally “standing out from the flock” is a term used to describe a conduct that is flagrant, or outrageous in comparison to a normal standard of conduct. In general, the term...
