business law

Stambovsky v. Ackley

Stambovsky v. Ackley


Appellant/Plaintiff: Jeffrey M. Stambovsky

Respondent/Defendant: Helen V. Ackley et al.

Court and Date

Appellate Division 1st Department of the Supreme Court...

Standard and Poor’s 500 (S&P 500)

Standard and Poor’s 500 (S&P 500) is an index of the 500 largest U.S. public companies. It measures companies’ size by their market capitalization. The S&P 500 is generally seen as a gauge as to how America’s largest companies and...

standard contract

See Adhesion contract.

Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey v. United States (1911)

Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey v. United States (1911) is a U.S. Supreme Court case holding that Standard Oil Company, a major oil conglomerate in the early 20th century, violated the Sherman Antitrust Act through anticompetitive actions, i.e...

standard player contract (SPC)

A standard player contract (SPC) is a Sports Law practice that describes a model or league-standard written agreement between professional athletes and a club, team, organization, etc., outlining the conditions of the relationship. For...

state action antitrust immunity

As explained in Parker v. Brown, 317 U.S. 341 (1943), under the state-action doctrine, state and municipal authorities are immune from federal antitrust lawsuits for actions taken pursuant to a clearly expressed state policy that, when...

statute of frauds

Statute of frauds is a statute requiring certain contracts to be in writing and signed by the parties bound by the contract. The purpose is to prevent fraud and other injury. The most common types of contracts to which the statute applies are...


Stipulation generally means an agreement, a bargain, proviso, or condition. If the stipulation complies with an applicable statute or rule of court, it will be binding. A stipulation could mean a fact, promise, or provision in a contract...


A stock is the share in the ownership of a corporation. Commonly the ownership of a corporation is divided into shares of a definite value, like 10 dollars per share. The charter of the company will define how many shares and classes of...

stock certificate

A stock certificate is a printed certificate issued by a corporation to a shareholder, documenting ownership in a stated number of shares of that corporation's stock. It must be noted that generally the courts consider stock certificates...
