business sectors

beneficial ownership

A beneficial ownership is a trust arrangement whereby the beneficial owner of a security has the power to vote on and influence decisions regarding that security, and receives the benefit afforded by the security, even though in street name...


Bilateral means two-sided and is frequently used to refer to agreements between two countries. For example, the United States and Australia have a Bilateral trade agreement limiting tariffs or other protectionist policies between the two...

bilateral investment treaty


Bilateral investment treaties (or, BITs) are international agreements establishing the terms and conditions for private investment by nationals and companies of one country to another country.

The first...


A bill is a formal or public writing or declaration of one’s claim against another:

A bill may be an equitable pleading of a claim in a court of equity. At early common law, a bill in equity was analogous to a declaration in law...

bill of exchange

A bill of exchange, a short-term negotiable instrument, is a signed, unconditional, written order binding one party to pay a fixed sum of money to another party on demand or at a predetermined date. A bill of exchange is sometimes called...


In the law of secured transactions, BIOCOB refers to a “buyer in the ordinary course of business.” There are certain elements that a buyer must meet to qualify as a BIOCOB. The buyer must purchase particular goods in good faith, without...

blank endorsement

Blank endorsement is a kind of signature on a financial instrument. It has no designated payee, so the person who possesses it can demand payment, for example, a check made payable to cash and endorsed on the back with the signature of the...

blanket security lien

A blanket security lien is a type of security interest over the assets of an entire entity rather than an individual asset. While blanket liens can technically be placed on the assets of an individual person, they are more commonly seen on...

blue law

Blue law is a colloquial term for state statute or ordinance that forbids or regulates entertainment and commercial activities (ex. sale of liquor) on Sundays or religious holidays. Blue laws can also be referred to as Sunday closing laws,...

board of directors

In the context of a corporation a board of directors is a group of people, selected by the shareholders, who make the major decisions for the company. The exact responsibilities of the board are governed by the company’s articles of...
