An absentee ballot is a paper ballot submitted, before an election day and often by mail, by a voter who is unable to attend the official polling station on election day. It is also referred to as an absentee vote. Generally, such a vote is...
civil rights
absolute disparity
Absolute disparity is a calculation used to analyze a claim that a jury pool did not represent a fair cross-section of the community. For instance, a jury pool that is composed of only white jurors in a community that is predominantly Black....
An accommodation is a means of providing assistance or convenience for a person, and the practice of modifying objects and situations to the benefit or needs of another person. Originally, accommodation meant a loan or other financial favor....
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities. It was signed into law on July 26, 1990, by President George H.W. Bush. The ADA is also falls under the...
The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) was issued in 1967 and signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson and prohibits discrimination on the basis of age. While the Act permits certain age distinctions, it prohibits...
An algorithm is a set of rules or a computational procedure that is typically used to solve a specific problem. In the case of Vidillion, Inc. v. Pixalate Inc. an algorithm is defined as “one or more process(es), set of rules, or methodology...
American Civil Liberties Union
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is an organization founded in 1920, with the mission of defending and preserving the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to all people in the U.S. Constitution. The ACLU currently has more than...
American Indian law
In U.S. law the term "Indians" refers generally to the indigenous peoples of the North American continent at the time of European colonization. "Alaska Natives" and "Native Hawaiians" refer to peoples who are...
Apartheid refers to the implementation and maintenance of a system of legalized racial segregation in which one racial group is deprived of political and civil rights. Apartheid is a crime against humanity punishable under the Rome Statute of...
1. When used in reference to a judge’s ruling in a court case, arbitrary means based on individual discretion rather than a fair application of the law. For example, finding someone guilty of a crime simply because they have a beard would be an...