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family & personal matters

ab initio

Ab initio is a Latin term that means "from the beginning” or “from inception.” Ab initio is used to indicate that some fact existed from the start of a relevant time period. It is often used as part of the phrase “void ab initio,” meaning something - such as a marriage - was void from the beginning.

[Last reviewed in June of 2022 by the Wex Definitions Team]


Abandon refers to the act of abandonment. A party can “abandon” in multiple fields of law and abandoning generally, though not always, involves voluntarily giving up a right.

See abandonment for more information. 

[Last reviewed in June of 2022 by the Wex Definitions Team]


Abduction means the taking of a person against their will, generally by means of persuasion, fraud, or force. Some jurisdictions also require that the abductee (the person who is abducted) be a child or that the abductor intend to marry or harm the abductee or subject them to prostitution or trafficking.

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