certificate of trust

Certificate of trust is a brief version of the trust document that allows certain details of the trust that you want to keep confidential to be omitted (such as the names of the beneficiaries). It is often used to provide proof of trust...

certification mark

A certification mark is used in commerce by a person other than its owner to identify goods or services as being of a particular type. When a certification mark is used on a product, it is to indicate the existence of an accepted product...

certification of trust

Certification of trust is a brief version of the trust document that allows certain details of the trust (such as the names of the beneficiaries) that you want to keep confidential to be omitted. It is often used to provide proof of trust...

chain of title

Chain of title is the historical record of ownership transfers of a specific piece of property. The chain of title is imperative to establishing legal ownership of real estate, vehicles, patents, and other tangible and intangible property....

charitable lead trust

Charitable lead trusts allow individuals to set-up trusts where some of the income goes to a charity, but when the trust ends, the assets do not go to the charity. The way these trusts operate is 1) the grantor sets up the trust for a...

charitable remainder annuity trust

Charitable remainder annuity trusts (CRAT) allow a grantor to create a trust that generates income until the beneficiary dies, then later transfers the assets to a charity. These trusts are popular for grantors because they receive tax...

charitable remainder trust

Charitable remainder trust allows a grantor to create a trust that generates revenue for a few years and then transfers the assets to a charity. These types of trusts are popular because they allow the grantor to still generate income while...

charitable remainder unitrust

Charitable remainder unitrusts (CRUT) allow grantors to create tax beneficial trusts which continue to generate income for a specific amount of time, then transfer the assets to a charity. These trusts create tax benefits by allowing the...

charitable trust

A charitable trust is a trust made for the benefit of specific charitable purposes. The purpose of the trust must fall into one of the specific purpose categories or is it not valid. Charitable trusts are favored by the law. They do not...

charitable trusts purposes

A charitable trust qualifies for certain favorable treatment under U.S. law. For example, it is not subject to the rule against perpetuities and cannot fail for a lack of definite beneficiaries. To qualify as a charitable trust, the trust...
