Chattel is a catch-all category of property associated with movable goods. At common law, chattel included all property other than real property. Examples include leases, animals, and money. In modern usage, chattel usually only refers to...
chattel mortgage
Chattel Mortgage is an antiquated term for a mortgage on movable personal goods such as a machinery or vehicle (as opposed to real estate) where the lender holds an interest in the property as security/collateral for the loan. Today these...
chattel paper
Chattel paper refers to a document used in secured transactions to sell property on credit while retaining some interest in the property. Chattel paper must show:
A monetary obligation from Party A to Party B, and A security...child's trust
Child’s trust refers to a trust fund created for kids, usually by family members, in order to have the assets managed until the children mature. These trust funds can be created to operate in a variety of ways. The trustee can be given...
CIDs are common interest developments, a type of property development with multiple owners and a governing association. Each owner in CIDs has their own property with rights to the common area. CIDs often are used for both business and...
City of Clinton v. Cedar Rapids and Missouri Railroad Company (1868)
City of Clinton v. Cedar Rapids and Missouri Railroad Company, 24 Iowa 455 (1868), was a case decided by the Supreme Court of Iowa. The case dealt with issues related to municipal powers, the rights of railroad companies, and the legal...
civil case
A civil case is a private, non-criminal lawsuit, usually involving private property rights, including respecting rights stated under the Constitution or under federal or state law. For example, lawsuits involving breach of contract, probate,...
civil forfeiture
Civil forfeiture allows the government (typically the police) to seize — and then keep or sell — any property that is allegedly involved in a crime or illegal activity. Owners need not ever be arrested or convicted of a crime for their cash,...
civil union
A civil union is a marriage-like relationship, created primarily as a means to provide recognition in law for same-sex couples. In other words, civil union is a legal relationship between two people that provides legal protection to the...
A claim is a set of operative facts creating a right enforceable in court. The term claim is generally synonymous with the phrase cause of action, though some contexts prefer to use one of the terms over the other. For example, in the field...