amended complaint

An amended complaint is a written revision of the original complaint filed by a plaintiff or petitioner. Rule 15 of the federal rules of civil procedure allows the plaintiff to amend their complaint one time within 21 days of serving the...

amended pleading

An amended pleading is a revision of a pleading filed in an action. It is re-filed by the party who filed the original pleading and takes the place of the original pleading for all substantive purposes. After re-filing, any subsequent motion...

American Bar Association (ABA)

American Bar Association (ABA) is a voluntary bar association of lawyers, law students, and judges in the United States. It is dedicated to advancing the rule of law and serving the legal profession by providing practical resources for legal...

American Civil Liberties Union

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is an organization founded in 1920, with the mission of defending and preserving the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to all people in the U.S. Constitution. The ACLU currently has more than...


Amicus typically relates to the phrase amicus curiae (plural: amici curiae) which means “friend of the court.” Amicus is an individual or organization that is not a party to an action but who volunteers or is court-invited to advise on a matter...

amicus curiae

Amicus Curiae literally translated from Latin is "friend of the court." Plural is "amici curiae."

Generally, it is referencing a person or group who is not a party to an action, but has a strong interest in the matter....


Amnesty is to grant a pardon to those who have committed an offense. Under immigration law, is a governmental pardon for a person or group of persons who violated policies related to immigration. Immigration amnesty would include the...

amount in controversy

Amount in controversy refers to the amount of money a plaintiff seeks in a lawsuit. The monetary value of a non-monetary remedy such as an injunction can also be included in the amount in controversy. For a case to be heard in district court...


An anchor refers to a reference point. For the purposes of the law, anchors are frequently utilized by lawyers in litigation to persuade the jury through a process called anchoring.

Anchoring, or anchoring bias as it's also...


In negotiations, “anchoring” refers to the common tendency of giving undue weight to the first value or number put forth, and to then inadequately adjust from or counter the first value or number, or the “anchor.”

Thus the...
