Vested ownership means complete and unconditional ownership.
See also: conditional ownership, qualified ownership
[Last updated in August of 2021 by the Wex Definitions Team]
Vested ownership means complete and unconditional ownership.
See also: conditional ownership, qualified ownership
[Last updated in August of 2021 by the Wex Definitions Team]
Vested remainders are a type of remainder in property law with an ascertained taker and without a condition precedent. In short, it is the right to receive property, without condition.
A remainder is a future interest where...
Vestigial words are words and phrases that technically appear in the text of older statutes but no longer have any meaning or significance because more recent amendments or statutes have eliminated their effect or what the words/phrases...
Veto is the power of one person or body to prohibit a course of action chosen by another. For example, in business law a veto halts an official action done by a company or firm. Further, a business can grant stockholders/shareholders the...
Vexatious litigation is a legal proceeding that starts with malice and without good cause. Vexatious litigation is meant to bother, embarrass, or cause legal expenses to the defendant. A plaintiff who starts such litigation either knows or...
Vicarious infringement is a form of secondary liability for direct infringement based on the common law principle of respondeat superior.
An individual can be held responsible for the actions of infringement committed by...
Vicarious liability, also known as imputed liability, is when a principal party is responsible for the actionable conduct of their agent based on the relationship between the two parties. Vicarious liability falls under the respondeat...
Video news releases, also known as prepackaged news stories, are video segments created or funded by private corporations or government agencies to appear like standard news programs. When these segments are aired without disclosing their...
The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (VCLT), also referred to as, “the treaty on treaties,” establishes guidelines for diplomatic relations between independent sovereign nations. The VCLT was adopted in Vienna on May 23, 1969 at the...
View ordinance are laws designed to protect a property's view from obstructions. Such ordinances may encompass and regulate a variety of property features, but commonly address trees and vegetation. View ordinances can also be enforced to...