wex authoring help

American law perspective

Wex is written from an American law perspective.

What does that mean?

By "American law perspective", we mean that Wex is grounded in American law and that, ideally, each discussion would begin in the abstract and then...


what are the categories?

Wex currently employs two systems for categorizing entries:

Genre-based categories classify entries as any or all of definitions, overviews, or backgrounders. All Wex documents should be assigned to one of the above...

editorial contributions

This content is edited and updated by the Wex Definitions Team. The Wex Definitions Team is a group of Cornell Law Students organized and supervised by LII Original Content Collections Manager Nichole McCarthy to provide enhanced definitions...


What is Wex? Wex is a collaboratively-edited legal dictionary and encyclopedia. It is intended for a broad audience of people, ranging from lawyers to law students to people who have no experience with the law! No doubt purists will be quick to point...

getting started as an author

For the time being, the ability to make and edit contributions is loosely limited to a pool of invited author/editors.

Starting out as a Wex author involves making choices about what to write and learning a few simple mechanics of editing. As a...



Help is available on the following topics:

Help:Searching provides help with finding things in Wex; Help:Editing includes general help with editing mechanics as well as Wex and law-specific things; --> Getting started...


Various types of editing help are available:

General editing mechanics Help with starting a new article Law-specific editing and linking Linking to legal resources in Wex Categorizing in Wex Editorial policy for Wex...


This is a series of stylistic tips:

Make lots of links. If you mention a term in your article that you think needs explanation, do two things. First, run a search to see if anyone's done an article on it that you can link to. Second, if no such...

linking to legal resources

We've made it easy to link Wex articles to a rich collection of legal resources outside of Wex itself. Here are instructions for a number of commonly-used outside collections and resources. If you know of other, stable collections of legal information...

Starting a new article

Starting a new article

From Wex, everyone's resource for law learning

Deciding what to write

You can find some thoughts about this in the page on getting started as an author

The mechanics

