Torture refers to the infliction of severe pain and suffering, as punishment, as coercion, or for the purposes of obtaining information or a confession. Torture is prohibited by the United Nations Convention Against Torture , which has been...
wex definitions
totality of circumstances
Totality of circumstances is a method of analysis, or a test, in which a court or judge will consider balancing the circumstances and contributing factors of the situation rather than use a strict bright-line. Totality of the circumstances is...
Totten trust
A Totten trust is a bank account in the depositor’s name “as trustee for” a named beneficiary. A Totten trust can be revoked by: (1) the withdrawal of all money from the bank account; (2) if there is an express revocation in writing made...
toxic mold
Toxic mold is a term that is used to describe types of mold that are considered deadly to humans. Toxic mold encompasses hundreds of species of mold, a small fraction of which are not very harmful to the human body. Mold is a form of fungus...
toxic tort
A toxic tort is a subcategory of torts involving injuries to plaintiffs caused by toxic substances. Such cases are often brought under the doctrine of product liability. While toxic tort cases traditionally dealt with injuries arising from...
trade dress
A trade dress is the design and shape of the materials in which a product is packaged. Product configuration, the design and shape of the product itself, may also be considered a form of trade dress.
The Lanham Act protects...
trade fixture
Trade fixture is something attached to property rented by the lessee which they are entitled to take with them after the lease ends. Trade fixtures can be many things such as a machine or shelves which require the object to be fastened to the...
trade name
A trade name is a type of mark used to identify a company, partnership, or business rather than goods or services. Trade names cannot be registered under the Lanham Act unless they actually function to identify the source of particular goods...
trademark owner
Trademark owner is the party who controls the nature and quality of the goods and services used in connection with the brand. The owner of a trademark is the person who applies the mark to goods that they produce, or uses the mark in the sale...
trademark registration
Trademark registration involves the establishment of rights in a mark based on legitimate use of the mark in commerce under the Lanham Act. Trademark registration with the United States Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO), while not...