UCC is an acronym for the Uniform Commercial Code. The UCC is a uniformly adopted set of state laws that regulates all commercial transactions in the United States. The uniformity of the UCC is crucial for businesses transacting across state...
wex definitions
UCC Financing Statement
UCC Financing Statement (usually called a UCC-1 Form) is a form that creditors file with states in which they have a security interest in a debtor’s personal property. The financial statement serves a similar purpose as recording a deed for...
UCC-1 Form
UCC-1 Form (commonly called a UCC financial statement) is a form that creditors should file with states in which they have a security interest in personal property. The financial statement serves a similar purpose as recording a deed for real...
See: Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA).
[Last updated in July of 2024 by the Wex Definitions Team]
UCMJ is an acronym for the Uniform Code of Military Justice. The UCMJ is a collection of substantive and procedural laws enacted by Congress that regulate the conduct and legal procedures for U.S. Military Justice System.
ultimate fact
An ultimate fact is a logical conclusion derived from evidence presented during trial and is required for a claim or defense to be successful. An ultimate fact is usually inferred from a number of supporting evidentiary facts and is crucial...
ultra vires
Ultra vires is a Latin phrase, meaning "beyond the powers." Ultra vires plainly means an action by a company or its agent that exceeds the legal scope of its authority. In this instance, the scope of authority is granted by the company’s own...
ultrahazardous activity
Ultrahazardous Activity (also known as abnormally dangerous or extrahazardous activity) refers to actions of individuals and entities that involve a high level of danger which typically carries strict liability. Ultrahazardous activity, by...
Unanimous means complete agreement in a decision made by multiple individuals or parties. During a trial, a unanimous jury means that all jurors agreed in the conclusion and verdict of the court case. Similarly, unanimous decisions in an...
unascertainable cause
Unascertainable cause is when there are multiple potential actions that resulted in an injury, but it is unclear which act actually caused the injury.
Unascertainable cause in tort law means that multiple defendants are...