Viz is the abbreviation of the Latin word “videlicet,” which means “namely.” Viz is a synonym for “namely” or “to wit” or “that is to say.” It is used to highlight or make more specific something that has previously been indicated only in...
wex definitions
Viz. is a Latin abbreviation of videlicet, meaning "that is to say."
The term viz is sometimes used to mean any of the following: "namely," "that is to say," "as follows," or "to wit." After making a statement, a comma may...
Void means having no legal effect from the start. Thus, a void contract is invalid from the start of its purported closing. Note: having no legal effect, it does not change the legal relationship between the parties involved.
...void for vagueness
In criminal law, void for vagueness is a declaration that a law is invalid because it is not sufficiently clear. Laws are usually found void for vagueness if, after setting some requirement or punishment, the law does not specify what is...
void marriage
A void marriage is a marriage that was never valid from the start and cannot be made valid. Common reasons for a court to find a marriage void ab initio are that the marriage is incestuous or polygamous.
A void marriage is...
Voidable means a contract is valid unless rejected by a party with the legally protected option of doing so. Thus, state law may allow minors to either affirm or reject any promises made in a contract by calling such contracts voidable. See e...
voidable marriage
A voidable marriage is a marriage that is considered valid until it is declared invalid. The grounds for invalidation of marriage vary depending on the state. Common grounds for voiding a marriage include that one of the parties is below the...
voir dire
French for to speak the truth, voir dire is the process through which potential jurors are questioned by either the judge or a lawyer to determine their suitability for jury service. It is used to excuse prospective jurors deemed incapable of...
volenti non fit injuria
Volenti non fit injuria is Latin for “to a willing person, it is not a wrong.” This legal maxim holds that a person who knowingly and voluntarily risks danger cannot recover for any resulting injury. This principle was the common-law basis...
In reference to law, “voluntary” is used to indicate willfulness or intention. For example:
“Voluntary waste” is the willful act of damaging a property or depleting natural resources available on the property. “Voluntary...