Women and Justice: Keywords


Ley 294 de Julio 16, 1996 (1996)

Domestic and intimate partner violence

This law aims to develop article 42 of the Constitution which establishes standards to prevent, remedy, and punish domestic violence. The Law stipulates the behaviors considered violative of structured harmony/unity within a family, protective measures against domestic violence, medical and physiological assistance for victims, and sanctions by the courts against the aggressor.

Esta ley tiene por objeto desarrollar el artículo 42 de la Constitución que establece normas para prevenir, remediar y sancionar la violencia intrafamiliar. La Ley estipula las conductas consideradas violatorias de la armonía y unidad dentro de un núcleo familia, las medidas de protección contra la violencia doméstica, la asistencia médica y fisiológica a las víctimas y las sanciones judiciales contra el agresor.

Domestic Case Law

Taleo v. Taleo Senior Magistrate Court (1996)

Domestic and intimate partner violence

The Court examined whether or not the Magistrate's grant of a restraining order was unconstitutional. A victim of mestic violence moved out of the house after the incident and attempted to obtain a restraining order. The Court found that no rule gave the Magistrate jurisdiction to grant such orders, but, absent parliamentary intervention, the Magistrate can grant these orders even if they violate the constitution.