W.N. v. The State

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The appellant, a minor, was sentenced to 10 years for the rape of a fellow classmate and appeals his sentence on the grounds that it was too excessive. The lower court sentenced the appellant-defendant to direct imprisonment rather than probation after hearing testimony about the appellant's unrepentant nature and lack of parental supervision. The Supreme Court of Appeal upheld the decision, finding that correctional supervision would have lacked the appropriate punitive impact demanded by the offense and deterrent effect.

Die appêlant, 'n minderjarige, is tot 10 jaar gevonnis vir die verkragting van 'n mede-klasmaat enappelleer sy vonnis op grond daarvan dat dit te buitensporig was.. Die laer hof het die appêllant-verweerder tot direkte gevangenisstraf eerder as proeftydperk gevonnis nadat hy getuienis aangehoor het oor die onbekwame aard van die appellant en die gebrek aan ouerlike toesig. Die hoogste hof van appèl het die beslissing bekragtig en gevind dat korrektiewe toesig die toepaslike strafversagtende impak sou hê as afskrikmiddel-effek vereis word.



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