15 CFR § 950.6 - Environmental Science Information Center (ESIC).

§ 950.6 Environmental Science Information Center (ESIC).

ESIC is NOAA's information specialist, librarian, and publisher. ESIC coordinates NOAA's library and information services and its participation in the national network of scientific information centers and libraries. Computerized literature searches provide information from over 80 data bases. The complete list of data bases is available on request. All ESIC information facilities provide the normal library tailored information and reference services. As NOAA's publisher of scientific and technical information, ESIC reviews, edits, and processes NOAA manuscripts for publication.

(a) Services available from ESIC include:

(1) Reference services. Some services are provided on a cost-recovery basis to non-NOAA individuals.

(2) Publication copy services. Copies of NOAA publications are provided on request from qualified users, including governments, universities, non-profit organizations, professional societies, chambers of commerce, public information media, and individuals and organizations having cooperative or exchange agreements with NOAA.

(3) Bibliographies. Special bibliographies are prepared on request. When provided to non-NOAA individuals, service is on a full cost-recovery basis.

(4) Current awareness services. Periodically provides announcements of titles of newly published NOAA scientific and technical publications.

(5) Lending services. Materials are loaned to other libraries and to NOAA employees.

(6) On-site use of library collections.

(7) Publishing services. Includes providing refereeing, reviewing, editing, and publishing services for NOAA authors of manuscripts destined for both NOAA and non-NOAA publication series.

(b) Queries should be addressed to: Environmental Science Information Center, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Rockville, MD 20852, tel. 301-443-8137.