21 CFR § 900.7 - Hearings.

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§ 900.7 Hearings.

(a) Opportunities to challenge final adverse actions taken by FDA regarding approval or reapproval of accreditation bodies, withdrawal of approval of accreditation bodies, or rejection of a proposed fee for accreditation shall be communicated through notices of opportunity for informal hearings in accordance with part 16 of this chapter.

(b) A facility that has been denied accreditation is entitled to an appeals process from the accreditation body. The appeals process shall be specified in writing by the accreditation body and shall have been approved by FDA in accordance with § 900.3(d) or § 900.4(a)(8).

(c) A facility that cannot achieve satisfactory resolution of an adverse accreditation decision through the accreditation body's appeals process may appeal to FDA for reconsideration in accordance with § 900.15.