22 CFR § 3.6 - Procedure to be followed by employees in depositing gifts of more than minimal value and reporting acceptance of travel or travel expenses.

§ 3.6 Procedure to be followed by employees in depositing gifts of more than minimal value and reporting acceptance of travel or travel expenses.

(a) An employee who has accepted a tangible gift of more than minimal value shall, within 60 days after acceptance, relinquish it to the designated depository office for the employing agency for disposal or, with the approval of that office, deposit it for official use at a designated location in the employing agency or at a specified Foreign Service post. The designated depository offices are:

(1) For the Department of State, the Office of Protocol;

(2) For IDCA, the General Services Division of the Office of Management Planning in AID;

(3) For AID, the General Services Division of the Office of Management Planning; and

(4) For USICA, the Office of Personnel Services.

(b) At the time that an employee deposits gifts of more than minimal value for disposal or for official use pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section, or within 30 days after accepting a gift of travel or travel expenses as provided in § 3.4(d) (unless the gift of such travel or travel expenses has been accepted in accordance with specific instructions from the Department or agency), the employee shall file a statement with the designated depository office with the following information:

(1) For each tangible gift reported:

(i) The name and position of the employee;

(ii) A brief description of the gift and the circumstances justifying acceptance;

(iii) The identity of the foreign government and the name and position of the individual who presented the gift;

(iv) The date of acceptance of the gift;

(v) The donee's best estimate in specific dollar terms of the value of the gift in the United States at the time of acceptance; and

(vi) Disposition or current location of the gift. (For State Department employees, forms for this purpose are available in the Office of Protocol.)

(2) For each gift of travel or travel expenses:

(i) The name and position of the employee;

(ii) A brief description of the gift and the circumstances justifying acceptance; and

(iii) The identity of the foreign government and the name and position of the individual who presented the gift.

(c) The information contained in the statements called for in paragraph (b) of this section is needed to comply with the statutory requirement that, not later than Janaury 31 of each year, the Secretary of State publish in the Federal Register a comprehensive listing of all such statements filed by Federal employees concerning gifts of more than minimal value received by them during the preceding year.