25 CFR § 170.6 - Acronyms.

§ 170.6 Acronyms.
AASHTO—American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.
ADR—Alternate dispute resolution
BIABureau of Indian Affairs, Department of the Interior.
BIADOT—Bureau of Indian Affairs, Indian Services—Division of Transportation—Central Office.
CFR—Code of Federal Regulations.
DOI—Department of the Interior.
DOT—Department of Transportation.
FHWA—Federal Highway Administration, Department of Transportation.
FTA—Federal Transit Administration, Department of Transportation.
LRTP—Long-range transportation plan.
MUTCD—Manual of Uniform Traffic Safety Devices
NBTI—National Bridge and Tunnel Inventory.
NEPA—National Environmental Policy Act
NTTFI—National Tribal Transportation Facility Inventory.
PM&O—Program management and oversight.
PS&E—Plans, specifications and estimates
STIP—Statewide Transportation Improvement Program.
TTAC—Tribal Technical Assistance Center
TTIP—Tribal Transportation Improvement Program.
TTP—Tribal Transportation Program.
TTPTIP—Tribal Transportation Program Transportation Improvement Program.
U.S.C.—United States Code