28 CFR § 551.23 - Abortion.

§ 551.23 Abortion.

(a) The inmate has the responsibility to decide either to have an abortion or to bear the child.

(b) The Warden shall offer to provide each pregnant inmate with medical, religious, and social counseling to aid her in making the decision whether to carry the pregnancy to full term or to have an elective abortion. If an inmate chooses to have an abortion, she shall sign a statement to that effect. The inmate shall sign a written statement acknowledging that she has been provided the opportunity for the counseling and information called for in this policy.

(c) Upon receipt of the inmate's written statements required by paragraph (b) of this section, ordinarily submitted through the unit manager, the Clinical Director shall arrange for an abortion to take place.

[51 FR 47178, Dec. 30, 1986, as amended at 59 FR 62968, Dec. 6, 1994]