40 CFR § 35.4055 - What if my group can't come up with the “matching funds?”

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§ 35.4055 What if my group can't come up with the “matching funds?”

(a) EPA may waive all or part of your matching funds requirement if we:

(1) Have not issued the “Record of Decision” (“ROD”) at the last “operable unit” for the site (in other words, if EPA has not already made decisions on the final cleanup actions at the site); and

(2) Determine, based on evidence in the form of documentation provided by your group, that:

(i) Your group needs a waiver because providing the match would be a financial hardship to your group (for example, your local economy is depressed and coming up with in-kind contributions would be difficult); and

(ii) The waiver is necessary to help your community participate in selecting a remedial action at the site.

(b) If your group receives a waiver of the matching funds after your initial award, your grant agreement must be amended.